Friday, April 20, 2012

This Week…

The week….

started off with a fun Picnic Dinner at the park. Us four met my sister & niece and our good friend Piper and her daughter Charlotte at this really nice big park by my sisters house to eat some dinner and let the kiddos run around and have fun. It was such a fun fun evening!

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Abi was not too pleased that her Mommy was holding baby Charlotte. She does not like ‘sharing’ her mommy!

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Piper feeding Charlotte her dinner.

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Owen knows exactly how to make Me nervous. This kid insisted on doing this all by himself. Ahh!

Later that night Gavin (our really good family friend, but to Brandon and I he is more like a brother so Owen calls him Brother G!) came over to hang out and play some video games with Brandon after the kids went to bed. But Gavin knows he has to come over before the kids are already in bed because Owen absolutely adores his Brother G and the feeling is completely mutual because Gavin loves him too!

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Here are the dynamic duo playing one of Owen’s favorite games Hulabaloo.

The week…

also consisted of play days with friends,


Autumn got to go to Hoot’s with the girls while Owen was at school. She had a blast and the older girls were so sweet with her. Here is Piper, Autumn & Olivia, Abi did not want to sit still for the picture.


She was way too busy to sit still. Haha. This was her first time there and she seemed to love it.

And the rest of the week was spent at home doing chores and what not, all the usual day to day stuff that comes with being a housewife/stay at home mom.


You would think the daily chores would be the easy part of my job. Not with this little girl, she definitely keeps me on my toes. She gets into EVERYTHING when my hands are busy or my eyes are distracted. Love her spunky wild personality!


I’ll be back soon with some fun pictures from Owen’s last School Field Trip for the year but there are things that need to get done around here first so it will have to wait until later!

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