Sunday, September 26, 2010

Apple Farm & Putt Putt Golf...

Friday was a super busy day for the Burgess Family. The day started with a trip to the grocery store for some much needed groceries, followed by lunch and then the kids afternoon naps. Once they both got up around 2 O'clock we headed off to start a family tradition. There is an Apple Farm, Dixon's Apples, in Pena Blanca, NM which is North of Albuquerque between here and Santa Fe. They have been around since the 50's and are widely known for there delicious Champagne Apples. Brandon and I decided it would be fun to start a family tradition of driving up to the farm and picking out some apples and bringing them home. So after the kiddos took their nap we packed up and headed to the farm. Kaitlyn, Olivia, Her Mom and Mother-In-Law and Libby and a few of her girlfriends were also heading up there around the same time too. The drive itself wasn't bad, about 45 min, but once we got their, there were cars backed up about a mile waiting to get into the parking lot. Okay, maybe not the best idea to go on the second day it opened. Anyway after about 30 min of waiting to park we made it and it was defiantly worth the wait. The Apples were ridiculously delicious and Owen had a blast picking and eating them. He has talked about the apple farm every day since we went. Well that wasn't it for our day. After the farm we were off to a 30th Surprise Party for a sweet girl Danielle in our small group. The party was at a Putt Putt Golf Course so we were super excited to take Owen for his first ever Putt Putt experience. The idea was to make her feel like a kid again. Well, after the long drive back we made it to the party by the skin of our teeth. But also well worth it because Owen had so much fun. We left the party around 7:30pm and needless to say we were all exhausted! We were basically out and about for 6 hours and we were all relieved to see our comfy beds when we arrived home. Enjoy the pictures from our fun filled busy day.
Here is the line of cars behind us waiting to get into the parking lot!
and the line of people waiting for apples when we arrived.
me and the kids waiting in that long line!
Owen is always ready for a nice pose to get his picture taken. He cracks me up.
Owen and his friends Lexie and Cami walking around the Apple Farm.
Owen and Cami taking a stroll in the little red wagon.
Kaitlyn, Livie & Kaitlyn's Mommy Susan. You defiantly need a wagon to haul all the Apples back to your car.
Livie, Kait & Owen. Awe!
Daddy helping Owen pick some apples.
So basically you pay per bag and fill them yourself. Here is Brandon filling up one of our bags. It was really a blast picking out your very own Apples to stuff your bag. Can you imagine how many more jars of Applesauce and Apple Butter are in my future?
Owen and Olivia had a blast sampling the Apples while we were busy picking!
Playing in the wagon full of Apples.
And at the end of picking, we all sat down and enjoyed some delicious snacks. Apple Fritters, Apple Pancakes & of course Brandon's favorite Carmel Apples.
1st Family Photo at our new annual trip to the Dixon Apple Farm!
Autumn and Mommy.
Putt-Putt Golf:
Owen getting ready to play his first ever round of Putt Putt Golf. He was quite excited.
Setting up the ball.
Swinging the club
and running after the ball. I tell you what, this kid burned off a ton of energy here, especially after picking apples all afternoon.
I love this picture. Brandon knelt down to take a picture with Owen so Owen knelt down too! lol.
Autumn and Mommy! Thank goodness for the front pack. What would I do without it? Autumn was such a trooper getting dragged all around town, she was such a good little girl.
Owen did not really appreciate the last hole when you can't get the ball back. His face is priceless when he realized his ball is forever gone. Poor kid didn't see that one coming.
Inside for the party. Here is the Birthday girl Danielle.
and here is Owen's good friend Abby celebrating her bag of goodies she got at the party!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall Is In The Air!

For those of you who don't know, Fall is by far my favorite time of the year! Something about the trees changing colors and the dreadfully hot weather finally starting to cool down makes me so happy. Hints why I named my daughter Autumn. Anyway, my parents have 3 huge Apple trees in their backyard and they give me bags full of apples each year. So since the first day off fall is this week, I decided to celebrate by turning the Apples into something delicious. It has also been raining all day which made the day even better! My house smells amazing by the way...

I made Apple Butter last year but I did not have this amazingly cool apple peeler/corer/slicer. This thing is awesome and cuts the time spent making Applesauce & Apple Butter in half!

I got this great recipe for Apple Butter from my good friend Jess. It is all done in the crock pot which means it is super simple and since I have a 2 year old and a newborn simple is my best friend!
And here is the final product! Yummy!

2 Month Check Up....

Happy 2 Month Birthday Autumn! Wow, 2 months can you believe it? Well, Autumn had her 2 month check up yesterday and yes the poor girl had to get 3 shots! Here are her measurements:
Weight: 8 lbs 10 oz
Height: 20 1/2 in.
Head: 36 cm.
She is in the 5th percentile for all of her measurements. Yes 5th, as in 95% of babies her age are bigger than her! She is my tiny little peanut. Its pretty funny because at this age Owen was in the 90th percentile. He was 11 lbs and 24 inches tall. I guess its nice having one on each end. Anyway, they are very happy with her growth so far even though she is still so tiny. She started off pretty small so what do you expect. Shots are never fun, and she did not appreciate them to say the least. Since she was kinda crabby yesterday we stayed in and didn't do much other than give her a nice relaxing bath. Here are some pictures from the day...
Brandon and Autumn at the doctors office waiting for the nurse to come in and give her her shots.
Autumn after her shots. She took a nice long nap once we got home.
Owen helping me give Autumn a bath. He loves putting his hands in the water.
Always happy to lend a helping hand!
Here he is trying to clean her ears. Too funny.
Autumn chillin in the nice warm water. All bundled up afterwards trying to keep warm.

The Park...

Today we met Kaitlyn & Olivia at the park.
This was so adorable. Owen and Olivia were insisting that Kaitlyn joined them down the slide. Good thing I had Autumn in my little front pouch or I'm sure I would have had to too!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Visit from Papa Bruce...

Although Owen thought it was all for him, Papa Bruce (Brandon's Dad) came down from Colorado this past weekend to meet Autumn for the first time! We all had such a great time and really enjoyed his company. He got in late Thursday night and left Sunday afternoon. Brandon and his Dad went and played some golf on Friday and then the rest of his time here was spent playing with Owen, o yea and holding Autumn for a minute or two until Owen noticed! Here are some pictures from the weekend. Thanks for coming Papa Bruce, we all miss you lots already, especially Owen!
Daddy, Autumn, Owen (and his balloon he got from Jason's Deli) and Papa Bruce.
Papa Bruce and Owen playing with his tonka trucks!
Owen showing off his sweet B Ball skills for Papa.
I think Owen made Papa Bruce read him every book on his shelf. What can I say the kid loves his books!
But reading only last so long. They quickly moved onto wrestling!
Owen has become quite a fan of getting his picture taken! Here is his "cheese face".
Autumn loves having tummy time!
Autumn loves doing push ups! She is one strong little girl and has even mastered rolling over from her tummy to her back. It scares her every time, lol!
Here is Owen admiring his little sister.
After weeks of wanting to, I finally gave in. Here is Autumn's very first pedicure from Mommy!
This smile never ever gets old!