Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Due to high demand, more pictures of Owen

Since we now know that everyone cares more about Owen then Vanessa and I, we figured we would give everyone what they want and share some more pictures of Owen during his first month with us. As we celebrated his one month on Monday the 23rd. It is sure hard to believe it has been a month since he joined our family.

Grandpa Bruce meets Owen this past weekend

Grandpa Bruce came down this past weekend to meet Owen. He sure loved holding the little guy and couldn't believe how big he has gotten in his first month here. I know he is already planning a return trip in the fall to spend a little more quailty time with his grandson.

Grammy Burgess visits Owen during father's day

Grammy Burgess stopped by to see Owen and help out mommy for a few weeks. He definately loved her shoulder to rest his head on when he took one of his many naps. It was Grammy's first chance to see him outside of the hospital and she took every opportunity to hold him before she had to head back to Denver.

She was also a big help during Aunti Jessica's wedding up in Cerillos, since Vanessa and I were in the wedding, Grammy made sure he was nice and calm during the ceremony.

I know Owen is looking forward to taking a nap with her the next time she comes down to visit.