Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Getting Abigail's Ears Pierced.

On Sunday afternoon Me, My Sister, My Mom, and My kiddos went to the mall to get my niece Abigail’s ears pierced. We went to the Piercing Pagoda which is where we took Autumn to get hers done when she was just 4 months old. Now I know there is a lot of controversy over piercing a baby’s ears but it is a personal decision. The way I look at it, is that all girls want to pierce there ears at some point in life, so why not do it when they are babies that way they will never remember the pain. Plus if it was that bad they wouldn’t allow babies to get it done. Anyway, Abi did great. Much better than Autumn did. She sat there very still while they cleaned and marked her ears and just shed a little squeal when they actually pierced them. It was so quick and we were able to distract her very quickly afterwards by taking a stroll around the mall.

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Here is my beautiful sissy and adorable niece before the piercing.

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And here they are right after. Poor Abi. She really didn’t cry long. Look how adorable her little pink pearl earrings are!

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See what I mean. She was back to her normal adorable self in no time!

After the ear piercing, we all walked around the mall for a bit. My sister went to buy brave Abi a new outfit from Baby Gap. While we were there I picked up both of my kiddos some new summer pj’s as they both desperately need some.

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Autumn could not pass up the opportunity to try on these adorable sunglasses at Baby Gap! Too stinkin cute. She absolutely loves wearing sunglasses!

When we got home from the mall Owen and Autumn both changed into their new jammies immediately. My kids love wearing Pj’s, Owen would stay in his all day if I let him. Daddy joined them as soon as he got home from work.

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You know those kids who have to get as close to what they are not allowed to do as possible. Well, that describes Autumn to a T! She knows she is not allowed to play with the blinds so this is what she does. She sits there almost touching them just to see if we will tell her no! What a stinker, look at that mischievous face!!!

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Owen in his new Lightning McQueen Pj’s he bought from the Disney Store with his very own gift card. He called it his Mickey Monies! Lol. He is obsessed with Lightning McQueen. Here he is playing on the computer, his favorite thing to do these days. I have to set a timer or he would be on it all day long.

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And here he is writing on his chalk board. He is really into the word “elephant”. He likes me to write the word in Capital letters and then he writes it below in Lower Case letters. He is o so very specific. Look how hard he is concentrating. He is a bigger perfectionist than his Mommy, Uh-Oh!

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Then he wanted to write the word “cat”. He is getting so good at writing all his letters and learning how to spell. I am so proud of my Big Boy!

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And here is this to leave you with. Autumn is the biggest Daddies Girl I have ever seen, next to myself that is. She practically leaps out of my arms to Brandon when he gets home from work and screams her head off when he leaves her sight. So precious. No wonder Brandon is such a sucker for her!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our Weekend.

I know today and tomorrow is the weekend for most people, but the weekend in the Burgess household is on Thursday and Friday. So here is a little recap of what we did…



Owen got a phone call on Tuesday night from Nana & Pampo. He was so excited when they asked him if he would like to have a sleepover on Thursday night. Brandon and I packed him all up and Nana & Pampo came to pick him up on Thursday at 2:30pm after his nap. They took him down to the bosque along the Rio Grande River to take a walk and Pampo was trying to teach him how to skip rocks along the water. After their walk they headed to McDonalds for dinner. Owen got to play there for an hour, he got a Chicken Nugget Happy Meal and an Ice Cream for dessert. When they got home they played and ate left over Birthday Cake, yes that is two desserts in one night, can you say spoiled?! He went to bed about an hour late, which he absolutely loved. When he woke up he got Chocolate Cereal (ie; cocoa puffs) and he even got to take a bath at their house. They brought him home around 9:15am, and by then I was dying to see him as I missed him so much. It is so nice to have a little break and to spend some one on one time with Autumn, but boy do I miss the little guy when he is not around. I know I am pathetic, not even apart 24 hrs. and I am going crazy. When he got home I asked him if he missed us and he said, “No, I want to go back to nana pampo’s house.” At least he is honest and why would he miss us when he got non stop attention and all the dessert a kid could want. 

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Here he is all packed up and ready to go.

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When we got him in their car he waved bye to us and then threw up two fingers and said, “peace out mom and dad.” He is so grown up now!

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And here is Autumn and Daddy watching Nana, Pampo & Owen backing out of the driveway. It wont be long until she is joining them for the sleepover.

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I think Autumn really enjoyed having Mommy & Daddy all to herself for a day. She got lots of lovin!

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And Brandon and I really enjoyed our down time while Autumn was napping.


I just have to start Friday off by saying Thank God for Awesome Husbands and Devoted Fathers. Friday night I got to have a Girls Night Out with 6 other ladies/mommies. Thank you so much Daddies for staying home with the kiddos so we could have a relaxing night out kid free. I rode with 2 of my very good friends Kaitlyn & Libby. We left a little early to go shopping before meeting up with the other ladies for dinner. After hitting a few stores we met up with 4 of our other friends and had dinner at a restaurant called Elephant Bar. After dinner we went to a little Diner to get some milk shakes for dessert. It was a fun night out and we got a lot of laughs in. I feel fully recharged for motherhood now!

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Daddy and Owen warming up some Chicken Nuggets for dinner before I left.

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Me and Kaitlyn all ready to go pick up Libby!


Me, Libby & Kaitlyn. I love these beautiful ladies.


I know I’m the odd one out next to these gorgeous blonde almost 6 foot tall ladies. It’s okay we love each other despite our differences. Lol. I really wouldn’t survive motherhood without these two ladies.

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I know I said we went to a diner for milkshakes, but a few of us couldn’t resist the Hot Fudge Cake on the menu. Yes there is cake under that pile of fudge. I wish I could say it was good, but it was terrible. It was way way way too sweet. It hurt going down my throat. I think I took 3 bites total. Should’ve stuck with a milkshake. O well.

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Thanks for a fun night out ladies!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Morning at the Park…

Lets face it, if you live in Albuquerque you know the weather is just nasty in spring. The winds are so disgusting and keeps everyone from spending time outdoors, well unless you don’t mind being plastered with sand. Anyway, the meteorologist said that today was going to be gorgeous, Sunny 80 degrees with minimal wind, and the rest of the week is supposed to be nasty, meaning 40+ mph winds. Needless to say I had to get my kids out of the house today to enjoy the 1 nice day of weather for the week. Poor Owen has been riding his tricycle and scooter inside the past couple days because of the stinkin’ wind! This morning we decided to spend it at the park with our BFF’s, Kaitlyn and Olivia. What a beautiful fun morning and the kids had a blast. As always I didn’t have my camera but I did take a few pics on my cell phones cause the kids were being adorable.

 Park 1

I am so lucky to be the Mom to these two adorable precious little gifts from God. I love them so much!!!! Owen is such a good big brother.

Park 2

Owen and Olivia think it is hilarious to swing sideways in the baby swings. They say they are swinging like an octopus. Lol, they are so silly and crack me up.

Park 3

Really, that can’t be comfortable!?!

Park 6

Here is Autumn watching the Octopus’ swing!

Park 5

Livie and Autumn being adorable while Owen was off watching some 10 year old boys climb all over the playground equipment. His brain was going so fast trying to figure out if he could climb like them too!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Owen’s 3rd Birthday!

O’ my goodness my baby boy turned 3 yesterday. How did this happen? I feel like just yesterday I was holding my precious newborn boy in my arms. He is growing up so so fast. Okay, enough of me freaking out about my baby growing up, onto the fun stuff. For those of you who don’t already know, we are having a big pool party for Owen and all his little friends on June 5th. That was the first available day we could rent out the pool, so the birthday party is coming, just a little late. Since his party isn’t for another 13 days we decided to have over a few of Owens favorite people and have him a dinner of his choice and Cake and Ice Cream of course. In the morning we met up with his BFF, Olivia, and the two got to run around and play at Owen’s favorite park. They had a blast together, but I unfortunately forgot my camera so no pics of that part of the day. Later that evening Nana, Auntie Kiki and our Neighbors (Justin, Leanne, Linkin & Finnley) from across the street came over to help celebrate. Poor Pampo had to work but he stopped by on his way in to give Owen a special B-day hug. When I asked Owen what he wanted for dinner he said, “Corn & Carrots please.” He is so funny and absolutely loves his fruit and vegetables. He finally settled on Peperoni Pizza, after telling him we needed to have a little more than just vegetables, and my sister made a delicious salad to go with.  And of course I had to steam some carrots special for Owen. Okay enough talking I know all everyone really wants are pictures. Beware there are a lot so please enjoy Grandparents!!!!

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The day before Owen’s Birthday I decided to bake his cake. Since Owen is the true baker in the family, he did not trust me to make his Birthday cake on my own, he had to assist me. Or I guess to be correct I assisted him. Anyway, he requested a chocolate cake with rainbow chip icing.

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Tasting & Waiting with Mr. Duck.

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Autumn was busy making her own pretend cake.

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This was his breakfast of choice! I offered to make him anything he wanted (Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles…) and this is what he chose, Cocoa Crunchies! I told Brandon he needs to start being a better influence on Owen’s cereal choices because he wants whatever Daddy has, yes this is Brandon’s cereal friends.

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Owen really wanted some balloons for his B-Day but waited until the last minute to request them. I couldn’t let him down so we rushed to the dollar store and would you believe they were out of balloons!?!?!? We settled for second best, water balloons. They didn’t mind they had a blast with them!

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While we were waiting for Daddy to get home from work and his other guests to arrive, Nana let Owen open one of the presents from her and my dad. They bought Owen a years subscription to his favorite internet program called Star Fall. It teaches kids how to read and does a lot with phonics, letters, numbers, and colors. Owen is obsessed with this program and could spend hours on end playing it. It’s a great program that was recommended by Mimi who is an excellent 2nd grade teacher. Owen is starting to read and recognize a lot of three and four letter words now. He really wants to learn to read and I don’t think it will be much longer until he masters it. He absolutely LOVES learning. 

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Eating his B-Day dinner with his special drink, Cherry 7-Up. He is LOVES it!

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Owen got spoiled rotten. He had so many presents sent to him from all his family out of town and got some really really cool gifts. He loved unwrapping all his presents and was so overwhelmed afterwards and didn’t know what to play with first. Luckily Linkin was there to help him out.

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Nana made sure Autumn didn’t feel left out while Owen was opening up all his gifts. Yes, that is a sucker she is feeding her, her 1st one I might add. Little stinker!!!!

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A small recap of his gifts; A Home Depot Workbench, A Cars Scooter, A double sided Easel, A V-Tech Digital Camera, An Awesome Schwinn Tricycle, and A Robot Backpack with his name on it! There is more but that is just what you see above. He also got lots of awesome clothes, a Thomas the Train computer game and an adorable Colorado Rockies jersey and T-Shirt. What a lucky little boy!

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Owen and Linkin being Contractors!

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  Okay let me explain. Anyone who knows my husband, knows he is a DIE HARD Denver Broncos Fan! Well Papa Bruce, Brandon’s Dad, is a die hard Seattle Seahawks fan. Every time Papa Bruce is here or talks to Owen on the phone he is always trying to convince Owen to be a Seahawks fan instead of a Broncos fan. I think he is a bit bitter since he couldn’t convince Brandon to like them when he was little. Anyway can you guess who sent him this ADORABLE Seahawks jersey with his name and all? Yep, Papa Bruce. Lol. Brandon wasn’t mad and even said Owen can wear it any day but game day. They are too funny! Can’t wait to see who’s side Owen will choose?

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Owen blew his candles out so fast we couldn’t even capture it on film. I still can’t believe there are three candles on that cake!!!!!!!!!

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Mommy and Daddy love you so much and are so very proud of the little boy you have become. And Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts that were sent for Owen. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family who love our son!