Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Playing Catch up…Our Week

Brandon normally has Thursdays and Fridays off from work. Well, a coworker who normally has Monday/Tuesdays off needed to switch with Brandon last week. Because he switched his days off around he is on day 8 of working without a day off, and many of those nights were late nights at the office since he has been swamped with work. Needless to say its been a really long week and we are both exhausted and desperately looking forward to tomorrow and Friday.

On a super sad note, my Grandmother (aka Great-Great) is very very sick. Her Kidneys have stopped working and she has fluid built up around her lungs and heart and it is not improving with the many rounds of Lasiks they have been giving her. She is on 10 liters of oxygen and her levels are still only around 55, which should be at least at 90. My mother has been at her bedside since Monday night, holding her hand and painfully watching my grandmother gasp for each and every breath. It is so sad to watch as I went last night to take the kids to visit her. Its even sadder watching the pain my mother is going through. Owen was a little taken back from seeing Great-Great in such terrible condition and didn’t really want to be in the room. By the end of our visit I picked him up to her bed and he gave her a huge kiss on her forehead and he said, “nigh nigh Great-Great, I hope you feel better real soon.” The sad part is Great-Great is not going to “get better real soon” and I am still trying to decide how to explain this all to my very curious 3 year old little boy who adores his Great-Great. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on her progress. Please please be praying for her comfort and for peace and understanding for my family as we are all going through a difficult time.

Onto our week prior to Great-Great getting sick. We mainly stayed indoors as the weather has been doing some strange things, meaning we got snow on May 1st?!?!?!?!?!? No clue what that was about but other than snow its just been nasty, cold and you guessed it…windy! I spent a lot of my time babysitting. Leanne, my neighbor/very good friend, who is a personal trainer needed me to watch her kids (Linkin and Finnley) a few different times and I also go to watch my niece for a couple hours. Aside from babysitting and trying to keep both my kids occupied and happy indoors I have been cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping you know all the day to day stuff that comes with being a stay at home Mom. I also managed to finish the curtains for my bedroom, hooray! It took me awhile since we have three windows in our bedroom so that meant I had to make 6 panels and 6 tie backs which equals lots of time sewing and I usually don’t have lots of time. Anyway, the point is they are finished and hanging up! Enough of my rambling onto some pictures.

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First off, here are some pictures of Owen’s time with his friends Linkin and Finnley. I can not stress how much these 3 love each other. Its actually a nice break for me to have them over because they keep each other entertained and occupied. Here is Owen and Linkin playing with Gil and Molly!

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Did I mention they are ALL BOY! By that I mean they are constantly jumping off things, running around and tackling each other. They act like brothers. I’m so happy Owen has such a great friend to grow up with who happens to live right across the street!

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After all the jumping, running and wrestling I turned on some music for them and they had a dance party. They were all dancing so funny and were playing toss with the big green balloon. They were worn out by the end of the day.

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Linkin and Finnley came back the next morning bright and early for me to watch them again. Here they are playing toss the balls. Finnley didn’t really have much interest in the ball toss as she was busy caring for baby mickey.

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And incase you were wondering what Autumn does with the three of them running around. She watches their every move and crawls around after them to be a part of the chaos.

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She also keeps me very busy as she is into EVEYTHING these days. Her favorite thing is to crawl around and pull cords out of electrical sockets. Yeah, she keeps me on my toes!

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Linkin LOVES Autumn and is always wanting to hold her. Too cute!

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Later that same day my niece Abi came over. My sister had a doctors appointment so I had the privilege of watching Abi for her. The girls love being together! So sweet.

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And when we have quite moments to ourselves with no one else in the house the kids spend some good quality time together playing nicely!

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Okay who am I kidding, this is more accurate. Autumn struggling to break free from Owens choke old he has on her. Lol. They are total brother and sister. Now that Autumn is really crawling all over the place, she is constantly bugging Owen and trying to mess with everything he is trying to play with. Honestly, the girl has no interest in toys until Owen is playing with them and then she insists on trying to get them. I didn’t think it would happen at such a young age, but Owen is constantly saying, “Ugh, Mom, Autumn is touching me.” Already, I know! Its gonna be a fun next 18 years.

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and to leave you with. Did I mention she is into EVRYTHING?!?! Ahh…..

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