Monday, August 31, 2009

RIP Fernando

So this morning was a very sad day in the Burgess household. The fish we adopted 2 1/2 years ago died this morning around the 8 O'clock hour. Here is a brief story on how we got Fernando...Two and a half years ago my Sister and her Husband had to go to Oregon for 9 months with his job. They thought it would be too hard to take the fish all the way to OR so we agreed to watch the fish until they got home. Well in that 9 months Brandon and I become very attached to the little guy and decided to go through with a formal adoption of the fish from my sister...So we woke up this morning to find him "Belly Up" in his fish bowl. It was so sad, especially because of how much Owen loved him! Owen loved going downstairs in the morning with Daddy because they always fed the fish together and Owen would say Fisy Fisy :( We said a little prayer for him and then made our way into the bathroom for a proper burial service. Fernando lived a long life of 3 years and enjoyed eating and swimming. RIP Fernando!!!!

First Hair Cut w/Clippers

Owen's hair has been getting out of control lately. I used to cut his hair myself with a pair of scissors but he is getting increasingly stronger and stronger and I can't get him to sit still long enough for me to cut it! So yesterday we made a trip to the store to buy some hair clippers. Much to my surprise, he did much better than I expected. I, on the other hand, cut it a little shorter than I meant to, but it turned out really cute. I will admit when he turned around and looked at me it was so scary how much he looked like a mini Brandon! Isn't that pile of blonde hair so cute! Owen is growing up so much.Side shot.He looks so much like Brandon in this picture.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Helping Daddy....

Like I said, Owen has been attached to his Daddy! Yesterday Brandon was going out to mow the lawn after dinner, but Owen wasn't having Daddy being out of his sight. So, of course, Owen won and we went out to the backyard to watch Daddy and make sure he wasn't leaving anywhere. Here is Owen's attempts at helping Brandon out. Too cute."Alright Daddy step aside. I can do this by myself!"Here are just a couple cute ones of Owen playing in the yard while Daddy was mowing.

"Here Mommy, I think I broke it, oooops!" Seriously, how can you get mad at a face like that?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wrestling and Playing in a Box....

Owen loves when Daddy is home and has become quite the Little Daddy's boy when he is around! Needless to say, Brandon's days off have not been so laid back anymore since Owen is attached to his hip every waking moment. The past two days that Brandon has been off, Owen has learned how to wrestle and climb inside boxes. Seriously there is nothing cuter that a Daddy and his little boy playing.Here is Daddy giving Owen a "Piggy Back Ride" Owen tackling Daddy while wrestling with him.Here is Daddy teaching Owen to climb through the box tunnel."Again Daddy, Again"Peek-a-Boo! Seriously, Why do we buy our kids toys?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A visit from the Thompson Family...

This week my parents had my Uncle Gary (My Mom's Brother) and his family here for the week visiting from Oklahoma. It was very nice to see them, I think this is the first time they have ever drove here in my whole life. My Uncle Gary became a Grandpa the month after my Mom last year and it was the first time I got to meet my cousin Jonelle's daughter. She is so adorable with her curly red hair, and yes she did remind me a bit of Shirley Temple...Kamiya riding Owen's horse. Brandon and I agree that she is one of the Happiest babies we have ever met. Just look at how huge that smile is!Owen and Kamiya played pretty well together. No major incidences to report. As you can tell from the camping pictures, I love these cute cousin moments. Aren't they adorable?Brandon and I with the kido's.
Pampo, Owen, Grandma & Kamiya
The whole gang, From Left to Right we have Great-Grandma, Grandma, Kamiya, Jonelle, Uncle Gary, Aunt Gail, Pampo, Me & Owen

Field trip to the Children's Museum...

This week Mommy group took a field trip to the Children's Museum. Okay so it was only Owen and I, and Jess and Abby, but we had a blast anyway. Owen and Abby sure wore themselves out running around playing in the "Knee-High Science Area", it is a whole enclosed area designed just for 1-4 year olds. Hope you enjoy a few pics from our fun filled afternoon.
So there were some pipes on the wall and a huge bucket of balls to drop in them and they come out in various places. Owen and Abby had a blast with this until it got overtaken by some 10 year old girls. Who knows why they found the toddler area so fascinating and where the heck their parents were, but it was quite annoying.
Here are the two trouble makers walking down the ramp.
Owen and Abby are just now to the point where they finally play well together. Of course there are still the occasions when Owen pinches Abby and Abby pushes Owen down, but hey it is to be expected.
Owen has been quite the little dare devil lately. He has started climbing on everything!
They had little area with light switches which is very fascinating for a one year old! Owen loved this and would be very happy if he had a toy like this at home, he gets very frustrated if you turn on a light without lifting him up so HE can do it.

Taking a break from paying for a quick snack...
Mirrors are always good fun
He is concentrating very hard trying to get this puzzle together
I think the Mommies were having more fun with the bubbles than the kids were! O' well we need some entertainment too.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ice Cream...Yummy!

Poor Owen is still fighting the never ending teething battle! So Brandon and I, being the coolest parents ever, decided to take him out for Ice Cream last night since all day yesterday he kept pointing to his mouth and saying, "Ouch Mommy". His mouth was hurting so bad that he didn't really eat much yesterday, but a little Ice Cream and the kid feels all better! His face says it all....

Now that is one Happy Kid...Like the Ice Cream on his cheeks?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Owen's 1st Arts & Crafts Project....

Well, it's official my Baby Boy is growing up. This past sunday at Church we went to go pick up Owen from Sunday School and his teachers handed me a picture that Owen helped them make. They were teaching the kids about the story of Jonah so they had some papers with a Big Fish on them and had the kids glue some colored tissue paper to it. Omg...I almost cried when they gave it to me. I know, call me crazy, but this one is going in a frame on Mommy and Daddy's bedroom wall.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

First my Best Friend and now my Sister???

This past month has been a tough one for me. My best friend's husband and my Brother-in-Law both work for Intel here in Rio Rancho. Well it just so happens that Intel has been sending a lot of their workers to go do some training on new tools up in there plant in Oregon. Yes, Oregon! So last month my Best Friend and her family temporarily moved up there and now my sister & brother-in-law are leaving for Oregon Monday morning for 6 months. Last night my sisters good friends threw them a nice going away party. I decided to leave the boys at home and went and had some good fun with my sis before she left. We had so much fun and what is a party these days without a little Rock Band? Well I am not going to say Goodbye sister, I will say See You Soon instead....Love you and miss you already!!!I figured I would get in big trouble if I posted a blog with no pictures of Owen so Daddy snapped one of the two of us before I left.My sister and her BFF Cammy.The ladies having a good time...Some good Rock Band fun! My sister Rockin' out on Bass...

The true musicians rockin' it out!!! Seriously these guys were awesome.
My beautiful sister singing in the background! Me and My sister being Homies. I have no idea?

Kisses Already???

This picture was too cute to ignore. Here is Abby trying to give Owen a kiss on his cheek this past week at play date. They are so adorable. Come on guys, you remember trying to be cool while the girls chased you around on the playground...Eeewwww cooties!!!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Family Day at the Pool...

Since Albuquerque has been so hot lately we decided to take a family trip to the public pool on Brandon's day off. Owen loves the water so much and only gets to play in the bath or the little blow up pool in the backyard so we thought he would have a blast in a big pool. Yep, just as we thought, Owen had a blast. Here are a few pics from our family outing...

Mommy & Owen

Daddy & Owen A break from the pool to eat some snacks and drink some juice.

Pampo's Birthday Celebration...

This past weekend was my Dad's @&nd Birthday! I figured I would bleep out his age so he doesn't kill me for telling the world how old he is getting, Love you Pops. Anyway we had such a fun night from Hot Wings to Ice Cream Cake, A game of Washers and some good fun playing spoons. Here are a few pictures from our night at my parents. Happy Birthday Dad!
Family pic in my parents beautiful Backyard.
Owen eating his first chicken wing.
Brandon and Chris playing a game of washers.
Owen and Auntie
Yes, wherever Pampo is, so is Owen...