Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg Play Day

So this week for play day we thought what would be better than to have an early Easter celebration for the kiddos. We all headed over to the other side of town to Jess and Abby's house for the festivities. First we pigged out on some delicious Berry Scones Jessica made along with some fresh fruit and chocolate dip that I brought over. It was very yummy! Then a couple of us snuck in the backyard and hid some Easter Eggs for the kids to hunt. Owen and Abby got the idea right away and were both on a mission to get as many eggs as they could. The younger two, Olivia & Miles, had fun just watching Owen and Abby scram around. They each had one egg and had a blast shaking them. Too cute. After the egg hunt the kids finally discovered there were yummy treats inside each egg, so of course they took some time to have a few too many snacks. Then they were all off to play on the slide and in the sand box. All in all it was a great and very fun morning!
Above is Olivia and below is Miles. They had fun shaking their eggs and watching Owen & Abby hunt Eggs.
Owen tasted his first Jelly Bean today and needless to say he loved them! In Owens words they are called, "Jumping Jeans" Olivia was so sweet sharing her snacks with Abby's dog Oden.Olivia and Abby on the slide. Owen going down the slide with his green egg filled with "Jumping Jeans" that he would not put down. There is always time for a little love and hugs with these two. They are precious.Owen and Abby playing in the sand box.

We tried really hard to get a picture with all four of them; lets just say it didn't go so well.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Corn on the Cob

Well as many of you know, Owen is not such a good eater. He sleeps, naps and plays well but eating is just something we have always struggled with him. Since the weather has been pretty warm around here we decided to invite my parents over for dinner on the grill last night. We made some delicious thick steaks, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Corn is one of the few foods that Owen really likes so needless to say he was quite excited. This was the first time we attempted to have him eat it right off the cob. At first he looked kind of confused but it really didn't take him long to figure out how this was done. I think its his new favorite! Don't mind the shredded cheese on his tray. We had it out as a topping for the baked potatoes but of course Owen insisted on putting a pile of shredded cheese on his high chair tray even though he didn't want any potatoes. They have a mind of their own.

Daddy's Lunch

Owen loves when Daddy forgets to grab his lunch box on the way out the door in the morning. Why? Well because that means we get to take a trip to his work to give it to him. Here Owen is carrying Daddy's lunch box to the car. Too Cute!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mimi's Visit

Well this past Saturday Owen's Mimi came in for a visit for her spring break from school. He was so excited to see her and ran right up and gave her a big hug at the airport. It didn't take him long to figure out that this Mimi would do and give him whatever he wanted. Needless to say they were attached at the hip her entire trip out here. Unfortunately things didn't go so well while she was here. I ended up with some really bad stomach bug on Tuesday night that wound me up in the ER because I was so dehydrated from throwing up for 14 strait hours. On top of that Mimi was feeling sick when she got here and ended up having to leave early to go home and rest because she came down with Bronchitis. I kind of started feeling okay on Friday after a couple days of bed rest with Brandon home to watch after Owen, but then on Friday night I was up coughing all night and hardly got any sleep. Brandon urged me to go to urgent care on Saturday morning and sure enough I have a mild case of Bronchitis! Yikes. They didn't give me antibiotics but they did give me some nice cough medicine to help me get some much needed sleep at night. Well here we are on Monday and I am still feeling pretty yuck, however I did shower and leave the house this morning so I guess I am on the road to recovery. Thank God Brandon and Owen haven't caught it yet. Anyway, we all enjoyed Mimi's visit, sick and all, and are really thankful Owen got to spend some time with her while she was here. Due to all the sicky stuff going around our house I didn't get any pictures while she was here except a few pictures from the park. Owen still walks around the house every morning saying, "Mimi are you?" which is Owen talk for "Where are you Mimi?" Lol.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Play Day at the Zoo

This past Wednesday for our weekly play day we took all the kids to the Zoo. Yes, the weather was finally warm enough, 68 degrees to be exact, so we decided to spend the day outdoors. We did however forget that it was spring break this week so needless to say the zoo was a chaotic mess! It took us 30 min to find parking spots and even longer waiting at certain exhibits to see the animals. Well, we didn't let that bother us and enjoyed the day anyway. All the kids seemed to enjoy themselves and really enjoyed the end when we let them all out of their strollers to run around in the grass!
Here is my little cheese ball! He loves getting his picture taken and saying "CHEESE!"
Here is the stroller crew all lined up watching the camel rides. From Left to Right we have Owen, Olivia, Sam & Cami. Abby was off somewhere else at the moment.
Owen and Cami hanging in the shade.
Owen's new favorite game to play is "chase me mommy". Yes it gets very tiring. He says this all day at home, especially when I am trying to clean or cook dinner, go figure!
Abby and Sam got in on the chasing action!There is always time for love and hugs with these kids. Here is Owen giving Cami a hug. And Abby hugging OliviaMiss Cami is really starting to take some good steps now. Here she is walking after Abby. The whole gang playing in the grass. Yes, that is my kid climbing on the stroller! Little Monkey.
He is scared of nothing! We are in serious trouble!


Yes, the post above from the zoo was on Wednesday and this post is Saturday. What in the world is going on here? It was 70 on Wed and 40 and snowing today. We are all pretty sick of this weather. Did I mention it is the 1st day of Spring today! is a picture of our back yard when we woke up this morning.

The Boys Doing Yard Work

Since the weather is kind of warming up Brandon decided he needed to do a bit of yard work. Of course Owen heard about this and had to tag along, cause where ever Da-da goes, Owen is right behind him! Here are some pictures of the boys working hard...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nothing New

So the weather here in New Mexico has been disgusting! Lets just say its early spring, but feels like winter still and the nasty NM winds have picked up full speed. So due to that, my allergies have gone completely out of control and I can't really take anything for them because of this beautiful baby in my belly. Anyway we are all miserable between allergies, rashes and being stuck indoors all day. Here is what we have been up to around the Burgess household:Owen and I find any excuse to go visit Daddy at work. On this day, Owen insisted on wearing his Daddy's old cowboy boots with his Broncos sweats. They all have a mind of their own! Bad picture, but you get the idea. I know you heard me mention rashes above so here you have it. Owen had this rash for about a week which Brandon and I thought was a bad eczema outbreak. Well it wouldn't go away so we took him to the doc to find out he has some really rare rash called Pityriasis Rosea. Its basically a viral rash that occurs in early spring and fall that itches and can last up to 8 weeks. Poor Baby! The good news is that it is not contagious at all so we don't have to treat him like a leper. They did give us some ointment to help stop the itching.Lots of days are spent inside coloring staring out the window hoping for the wind to stop blowing over everything in our backyard!I have been very into my new hobby, sewing! I have taken two classes now in which I have made a purse and some pajama pants. Sorry I haven't taken pictures of them yet. And on my own I made Owen a Mickey Mouse pillow case and this cute little burp cloth for my Baby Girl on the way!We have also found ourselves doing a bit of spring cleaning. We have been cleaning out closets and drawers that get stuffed with lots of things we no longer need or use. Yes like Brandon's old glasses from college! Owen had a blast with them until he broke them in half. There were lots of tears shed over these silly old things.And of course finding any reason to get out of the house. Yesterday my friend and I were so bored we decided to go walk around Hobby Lobby for no apparent reason. Owen and Livie were a little upset they couldn't get out and play with each other, but they did have fun sharing snacks and holding hands in their baskets!We were so bored we even played a little dress up with the kids while we were there!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Our new baby will be a............

Thanks to Vanessa's BFF's (Kaitlyn) hospital connections we were able to get in to do an ultra sound a few weeks a head of schedule to take all the measurements and find out what we will be having. We are happy to say that everything looked great, all major organs were there, each hand and foot had 5 digits and we have a healthy baby who weights 8 ounces.

I know you all are saying enough already!!!!!!! We are excited to announce that in August we will be welcoming a baby GIRL to our family! We are so excited and actually shocked that it will be a girl because we all thought it would be a girls so we figured it would be a boy. Please continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy for Vanessa and for our little daughter to continue to grow perfect inside Vanessa. We were so excited that Vanessa and her mom went to get a few outfits for our little princess.

I am imagining this is just the beginning of the outfits we will have ready for her arrival. Hope you enjoy the ultra sound picture too.

WE love this ultra sound picture, it looks almost to perfect.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Could Spring Really Be Here?!?!

Today was the first glimpse of Spring that us Albuquerqueians could finally see. We have had a pretty cold & long winter and I think we are all craving a little sun and warm weather. Today it was 60 degrees, sunny and no wind! So what did we do? The park of course. We had play day this morning with the kiddos, but after Owens afternoon nap we called up our BFF's, Kaitlyn & Olivia, and headed to the park. Apparently we all had such a great time since we were there for 2 hours! The kids had so much fun on the swings, the slide and running around in the grass. Here are some fun pics from our afternoon. The pics aren't the greatest since they were from my phone. EnjoyOwen and Livie going down the slide together. They are so adorable and have so much fun playing together, which is a very good thing since they are together about 2 or 3 days out of the week!

On the swings!

And back to the slide again!