Monday, March 29, 2010

Mimi's Visit

Well this past Saturday Owen's Mimi came in for a visit for her spring break from school. He was so excited to see her and ran right up and gave her a big hug at the airport. It didn't take him long to figure out that this Mimi would do and give him whatever he wanted. Needless to say they were attached at the hip her entire trip out here. Unfortunately things didn't go so well while she was here. I ended up with some really bad stomach bug on Tuesday night that wound me up in the ER because I was so dehydrated from throwing up for 14 strait hours. On top of that Mimi was feeling sick when she got here and ended up having to leave early to go home and rest because she came down with Bronchitis. I kind of started feeling okay on Friday after a couple days of bed rest with Brandon home to watch after Owen, but then on Friday night I was up coughing all night and hardly got any sleep. Brandon urged me to go to urgent care on Saturday morning and sure enough I have a mild case of Bronchitis! Yikes. They didn't give me antibiotics but they did give me some nice cough medicine to help me get some much needed sleep at night. Well here we are on Monday and I am still feeling pretty yuck, however I did shower and leave the house this morning so I guess I am on the road to recovery. Thank God Brandon and Owen haven't caught it yet. Anyway, we all enjoyed Mimi's visit, sick and all, and are really thankful Owen got to spend some time with her while she was here. Due to all the sicky stuff going around our house I didn't get any pictures while she was here except a few pictures from the park. Owen still walks around the house every morning saying, "Mimi are you?" which is Owen talk for "Where are you Mimi?" Lol.

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