Saturday, March 6, 2010

Our new baby will be a............

Thanks to Vanessa's BFF's (Kaitlyn) hospital connections we were able to get in to do an ultra sound a few weeks a head of schedule to take all the measurements and find out what we will be having. We are happy to say that everything looked great, all major organs were there, each hand and foot had 5 digits and we have a healthy baby who weights 8 ounces.

I know you all are saying enough already!!!!!!! We are excited to announce that in August we will be welcoming a baby GIRL to our family! We are so excited and actually shocked that it will be a girl because we all thought it would be a girls so we figured it would be a boy. Please continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy for Vanessa and for our little daughter to continue to grow perfect inside Vanessa. We were so excited that Vanessa and her mom went to get a few outfits for our little princess.

I am imagining this is just the beginning of the outfits we will have ready for her arrival. Hope you enjoy the ultra sound picture too.

WE love this ultra sound picture, it looks almost to perfect.

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