Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Corn on the Cob

Well as many of you know, Owen is not such a good eater. He sleeps, naps and plays well but eating is just something we have always struggled with him. Since the weather has been pretty warm around here we decided to invite my parents over for dinner on the grill last night. We made some delicious thick steaks, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Corn is one of the few foods that Owen really likes so needless to say he was quite excited. This was the first time we attempted to have him eat it right off the cob. At first he looked kind of confused but it really didn't take him long to figure out how this was done. I think its his new favorite! Don't mind the shredded cheese on his tray. We had it out as a topping for the baked potatoes but of course Owen insisted on putting a pile of shredded cheese on his high chair tray even though he didn't want any potatoes. They have a mind of their own.

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