Saturday, March 20, 2010

Play Day at the Zoo

This past Wednesday for our weekly play day we took all the kids to the Zoo. Yes, the weather was finally warm enough, 68 degrees to be exact, so we decided to spend the day outdoors. We did however forget that it was spring break this week so needless to say the zoo was a chaotic mess! It took us 30 min to find parking spots and even longer waiting at certain exhibits to see the animals. Well, we didn't let that bother us and enjoyed the day anyway. All the kids seemed to enjoy themselves and really enjoyed the end when we let them all out of their strollers to run around in the grass!
Here is my little cheese ball! He loves getting his picture taken and saying "CHEESE!"
Here is the stroller crew all lined up watching the camel rides. From Left to Right we have Owen, Olivia, Sam & Cami. Abby was off somewhere else at the moment.
Owen and Cami hanging in the shade.
Owen's new favorite game to play is "chase me mommy". Yes it gets very tiring. He says this all day at home, especially when I am trying to clean or cook dinner, go figure!
Abby and Sam got in on the chasing action!There is always time for love and hugs with these kids. Here is Owen giving Cami a hug. And Abby hugging OliviaMiss Cami is really starting to take some good steps now. Here she is walking after Abby. The whole gang playing in the grass. Yes, that is my kid climbing on the stroller! Little Monkey.
He is scared of nothing! We are in serious trouble!

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