Saturday, January 30, 2010

Owen's Surgery

Sorry I didn't have a chance to let everyone know when Owen's surgery would be, but the doctor called us on Tuesday saying they could either do his tubes on Thursday or in late March! We chose Thursday so we didn't have to battle another 3 more ear infections until then, so needless to say we didn't have much time to prepare for this! We went in at 6:00 on Thursday morning to have the procedure done. It was so cute cause they made us take him back and put on a little hospital gown on him before his surgery. He looked adorable in it! He had all the nurses in love with him in the pre-op waiting area. He was running all around, dancing and flirting with all the nurses since we had to wait 1.5 hours before his surgery started. The saddest part was at 7:30am when we had to hand Owen over to the anesthesiologist to have them put him to sleep and start his surgery. He was reaching and crying for us and of course I lost it. I spent my time in the waiting room crying my eyes out while Brandon kept reassuring me that God was right their with him on the operating table. They called us back about 15 minutes later to go see Owen in recovery, it was a super quick procedure. He did rather well waking up out of his anesthesia. He cried for about 5 minutes because it was such a strange feeling and he had no clue where he was. We stayed with him in recovery for about half an hour and then they released him to go home. It was a long draining & emotional morning, especially for a prego lady, but everything went great! We brought him home, put him down for a nap to wear off the medicine and he was pretty much back to normal by the time he woke up. My heart really goes out to those people with sick children in the hospital. We are truly blessed this was such a minor procedure, but even this drained me emotionally, it breaks my heart to pieces seeing sick children, but it really hurts when its your own. The reassurance of God's promise in Philippians 4:6 & 7 really guided me through this entire process, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, be prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to the God. And the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ." Thanks everyone for all your prayers!Here we are getting his gown on him. All dressed and ready to go.His cute little ankle bracelet.You don't normally see patients so happy to be in the hospital!Keeping himself entertained.The hospital staff was so nice and gave us lots of things to play with while we were waiting.Here he is in the recovery room with his oxygen tube. He looks super out-of-it, poor baby. He sure loved his oxygen and cried super hard when they had to take it away

Happy Birthday Brandon!

Yesterday we celebrated Brandon's 28th Birthday. His actual Birthday was Thursday, but unfortunately we were in the hospital with Owen getting tubes put in his ears, so we postponed the celebration a day! We went to dinner at Red Robin with my parents, grandma, and our very good friends Paul, Colette and their son Zach. We figured Red Robin was super kid friendly and loud enough to handle our 20 month old son! Anyway, after dinner we came back to our house for Presents, Ice Cream Cake and Games. Brandon got so many wonderful bday gift that included, a couple new winter sweaters, a video game he has been dying for, a new shirt and tie for work, a couple ipod accessories, and tons of Broncos apparel including; shirts, pj pants, a hat, a tie, and a cover for his ipod! He was so happy with all his gifts and wanted me to send a BIG THANKS to everyone! After his presents we ate an ice cream cake I made for him and then played our new favorite game, Mexican Train! It was a great night and Brandon really enjoyed his special day.

Babysitting Abby

So I am super behind on my blogging once again so here we go. Last Saturday night our very good friends Jon & Jess decided it was long overdue for a date night. So since Owen and their daughter Abby play together all the time we decided to watch her while they went to dinner and a movie. The kids had a blast together! They played very well together and didn't even fight over toys, which is amazing with these two. They ate dinner together, played their little hearts out and then we put them both to bed. It turned out to be a great night. Here are some pics from the evening.If one wants up, so does the other! Boy, my hands are gonna be full when the next one comes. O yea, Abby's mom is expecting another baby too six weeks after me! It is so fun having each other to raise our kids together.Here they are shooting hoops!Now on to racing cars on the tile.Then peek-a-boo in the tent.

And then on to the slide. Wow, these two are busy bodies!And finally a little quiet time before bed. Here they are watching an Elmo movie for 15 minutes before we laid them both down. So cute!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Toys 'R' us

Brandon and I took Owen to Toys 'R' Us the other day to buy him a train table with his left over Christmas money. He got this really cool Thomas the Train set for Christmas and I have been dying to get him a train table to set it up on. Well of course since the table was in a box he could care less about it, but he did spot a little Sesame Street Fire Truck ride on the way out of the store. I know $0.50 is kind of a steep price for a little 2 minute ride, but sometimes I just can't say know to his adorable face while he is signing the word "please" to me. O' yea, I put the table together today so pictures of that will be coming soon. He loves it and loves his trains too!He was very into the steering wheel. I think he really thought he was driving it. Here he is doing the sign for "more" once the ride stopped. It didn't work this time though, Mommy didn't have anymore quarters. Poor Guy!

Owen's ENT Appointment

This past Thursday Owen had his first appointment with and ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Specialist to discuss his excessive ear infections. I guess it is procedure to do a hearing test on all their patients and Owen loved it. They made him sit in the little room and they played different sounds to see if he would try and look to see where they were coming from. He thought it was so much fun and was so proud of himself every time the lady would tell him "Good Job Owen!" Anyway, he passed his hearing test with flying colors; however, they are recommending that he get tubes put in his ears. It is a super simple procedure that takes about 5 min. They will insert these tiny little tubes in his ears and that will help his ears to drain out fluid better. I am a little nervous about them having to put him to sleep, but I know it is the best thing for him and it will be nice not to have him on antibiotics every month. I have talked to so many people who had to get them for their kids and they all highly recommend that I get it done for him. I will keep you all posted when the procedure will be done. Please pray for my little guy and his mommy to stay sane during the process!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy 50th Birthday Mom

This past weekend we celebrated my Mom's 50th Birthday. Wow, what a milestone! For my Dad's 50th (wow, 3 years ago) my Sister, Brandon and I threw my Dad a huge party at our house with 50+ people, but since my Mom is really not the "party" type and hates being the center of attention we decided to keep the celebration really low key. So we decided what could be more low key than a girls day? First we started off by taking her to the St. James Tea Room for a nice relaxing, very filling, tea party. After the tea party my Mom, my Sister, and I headed over to a nice relaxing spa for a dip in the hot tub and then for a massage! Once we were nice and relaxed we decided to let the boys in on a little of the celebration, so we headed home to pick up my Dad, Brandon, and Owen and went out to a nice Mexican Restaurant for dinner. The day was perfect and my Mom seemed really happy and that of course is the most important thing! Happy Birthday Mom we love you old lady!!!!!Yummy! If you have never been out for afternoon tea you must try it. The experience is so much fun, the atmosphere is great and the food is delicious, and our waitress even talked with an English accent. They served this Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Tea that was AMAZING and the food was nothing short of amazing either. Wow, you can really tell I am pregnant with all this food talk!This was our amazing food. Since we let my mom off easy without a big celebration and making fun of her new age, we had everyone wear tea hats! It was a lot of fun dressing up in our hats and I am sure we all looked like silly old ladies out for afternoon tea.Here is my Mom and her BFF Sandra.My Sis and her BFF Cammy. I love these girls!Me and my Big Sis. My Auntie Tommie, Cousin Veronica and Cousin Fina.My Mom and Grandma. Mom, Tommie, Fina and Veronica

Friday, January 15, 2010

Owen Playing

So I was feeling really behind on my blogging so I am going to put up a few pictures of Owen playing the other night. My life seems to be really uneventful lately since my pregnancy has not been much fun and I don't feel like leaving the house ever. This pregnancy has left me with no energy and has had me feeling super nauseous all day long, so needless to say Owen and I have been spending most of our day inside having the always fun pajama days. I promised Owen we would do something fun next week for Play Day so check back in next week. My first trimester is almost over so I am praying I get some of my much needed energy back. It is getting harder and harder to keep up with Owen! Owen got this Basketball Hoop from Santa and LOVES it! Except he only likes to play when daddy is around, he loves showing off his skills to Daddy!Here is Owen playing on his slide that I found at a garage sale for $5!! It will eventually go in the backyard, but its too cold to play outdoors so he is enjoying it in his play room for now!

Here is Owen coming out of his fun play tent he got for Christmas from Nana & Pampo. He loves to sit outside of the tent and throw his toys in there and say, "Where did it go?" He is a huge fan of hide-and-seek!Owen loves his numbers so much Mommy & Daddy decided to buy him this fun play mat for Christmas. He officially knows how to count to 10 except the #7, he always goes from 6 to 8? He can also point to whatever number we ask him to. It is so fun watching his brain grow and develop every day. We are starting to work on his ABC's but they are much more challenging since there are more than 10! So far he knows the letters B, O, Q, X, & Y. I know all the uncommon letters!

Dr. Owen Burgess

For those of you who don't know, one of Owen's Aunties is a Nurse. She loves her job so much she decided she would start preparing Owen to follow in her footsteps. At her hospitals gift shop they have scrubs in all different sizes, so of course Auntie Jessi picked up a pair for her favorite little nephew! Owen loves wearing them they are so comfortable. Doesn't he look all grown up?Here he is being silly, his specialty!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hoot's Play Day

This week for Play Day we took the kids on a field trip. We went to a place called Hoot's! Hoot's is an indoor play area with ton's of bouncy things to play on. Wednesday mornings are preschool play so all the kids are 6 and under, so our little one's we not getting trampled on by bigger kids.
Admission was only $4 and parents are free. It was a BLAST and well worth the money! And it wasn't only a blast for Owen, parents are allowed to play on all the stuff and it is so much fun and quite a workout! They have a giant jungle gym maze, a giant bouncy slide, and tons of other bouncy stuff to play on. Here are some pictures of Owen and Abby running around and jumping on everything. Wow, imagine how good nap time is going to be today! Check back in May for more pictures from Hoots. We have officially decided that we are having Owen's 2nd Birthday there!Here is Owen, Owen and Abby in the waiting room, waiting for us to pay.Owen walking on the tight-rope!This jungle gym thing was pretty fun, but once you go in there is only one way to come out and it is quite a long walk up and down, up and down!
See what I mean. Up and down!
Owen and Abby wrestling! Too funny. This was hilarious. Abby was insisting that Owen should give her a "piggy" back ride. Owen kept looking at her like she was crazy and she should really get off his back! These two crack me up.As you can tell by both of their facial expressions, they had so much fun!Here is Owen asking me for help by signing. It was a serious work out trying to get myself and Owen up the ladder to go down the slide, and of course Owen wanted to go again and again and again.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!!!!!!

Happy New Years Everyone! I hope you all had a nice and safe New Year celebration. As for Brandon and I we had a super laid back night! Since I was just getting back to feeling better and it's too dangerous to be out on the roads with all the people out partying we decided to stay in. We had some of our very good friends over and welcomed in the New Year together. It was a great time! We put the kids to bed around 8:00pm and then we stayed up playing video games and card games until the ball dropped. I have to say that my Sparkling Grape Juice was amazingly delicious and serious props to me for making it to midnight! All in all we really loved our laid back celebration! On New Years morning I made a very delicious breakfast and had my parents over to eat it. I made a really yummy Breakfast casserole and the always delicious Monkey Bread! Owen even helped me make it. Then we spent the rest of the afternoon over at our friends house, the same friends we spent New Years Eve with, watching the College Bowl games and eating chili. I am seeing a trend here with all this eating, good thing the holidays are over!Here is Owen rolling the dough for the Monkey Bread.And here he is throwing the dough into the cinnamon-sugar mixture!
So, the other big News of the New Year is that Owen has decided he wants to start potty training. He is getting really good at telling me when he needs to go "poopy". I am so amazed at how smart he is, I wasn't going to start until he turned 2, but he is really into this whole Potty thing. On New Years day he went number 1 and 2 in the Potty while we were at our friends house. Such a big boy! He has only actually gone in the potty about 2 times, but he is really excited about it and loves sitting on the toilet! Here are some pictures of Owen on the Potty at home, don't worry they are all censored and no nudity!He loves to point down and say "pee-pee" too funny!Seriously, look at how happy he is. If you say "Owen do you need to go potty?" he darts off to the bathroom