Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

Okay, so I know it's a week and a half after Christmas, but I am finally getting around to posting some pics from Christmas. Thanks to every one's prayers and an amazingly helpful husband I am finally feeling normal again. Well, however normal you can feel being 9 weeks pregnant and a mommy of a 19 month old! The first couple of pictures are from our house with Owen opening his presents from his Auntie & Uncle and his Nana & Pampo before we headed off to Denver. Since I was so sick the pictures aren't the greatest, but I tried really hard to get what I could. Owen got so many nice gifts and people were way too generous. I will try and post some more pictures later of him actually playing with his new toys. Here is a list of some cool things Owen got: A new wardrobe including shoes, a Tricycle, a play tent, a train set, an Elmo construction truck, Diego's Rescue Pack, a potty, a remote control car, puzzles, books, a basketball hoop, and the list goes on. Thank you everyone for all your generous gifts. Owen now has more stuff then he or I know what to do with, J/K. Enjoy the pictures!

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