Friday, January 15, 2010

Owen Playing

So I was feeling really behind on my blogging so I am going to put up a few pictures of Owen playing the other night. My life seems to be really uneventful lately since my pregnancy has not been much fun and I don't feel like leaving the house ever. This pregnancy has left me with no energy and has had me feeling super nauseous all day long, so needless to say Owen and I have been spending most of our day inside having the always fun pajama days. I promised Owen we would do something fun next week for Play Day so check back in next week. My first trimester is almost over so I am praying I get some of my much needed energy back. It is getting harder and harder to keep up with Owen! Owen got this Basketball Hoop from Santa and LOVES it! Except he only likes to play when daddy is around, he loves showing off his skills to Daddy!Here is Owen playing on his slide that I found at a garage sale for $5!! It will eventually go in the backyard, but its too cold to play outdoors so he is enjoying it in his play room for now!

Here is Owen coming out of his fun play tent he got for Christmas from Nana & Pampo. He loves to sit outside of the tent and throw his toys in there and say, "Where did it go?" He is a huge fan of hide-and-seek!Owen loves his numbers so much Mommy & Daddy decided to buy him this fun play mat for Christmas. He officially knows how to count to 10 except the #7, he always goes from 6 to 8? He can also point to whatever number we ask him to. It is so fun watching his brain grow and develop every day. We are starting to work on his ABC's but they are much more challenging since there are more than 10! So far he knows the letters B, O, Q, X, & Y. I know all the uncommon letters!


Kaitlyn Altman said...

your playroom is so

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon:) Darling pictures of Little Owen! Love the scrubs!