Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bye bye baby food...hello table food!

So Owen had his 9 month doctors appointment this past week, Owen weighed in at 20lbs. (50th percentile) and measured in at 30 1/2in. (95th percentile), needless to say the doctor was impressed!! He told us since Owen was a big and healthy boy that we can stop the baby food and move on to eating table food. Owen loves his new foods, especially breakfast. His favorite breakfast is dinosaur shaped French Toast with a side of fruit!

Owen is learning to feed himself with utensils. Yeah, less work for mommy!!

Yes, Owen is very good at cleaning his plate...BIG BOY!!

Cutest Pictures...

It may just be the outfit he is wearing, but I think these two pics are adorable!

Owen or Grandpa Bruce????

A lot of people tell us that Owen looks so much like his Grandpa Bruce, but this is pretty scary! I took this picture the other day and Brandon was shocked at how identical Owen looks to his dad!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Owen's first play date!!!

Owen and I hosted our very first play date today! The mommies got together and talked and pigged out on snack foods, while the kids dumped out all the toys and played together. It was so much fun and much needed for the mommies. We had so much fun we decided to make it a weekly occurrence, we are calling it our mommy survival group.
Owen & Abby playing with the blocks!
Matayus & His Mommy (Danielle)
Princess Olivia

Abby & Linkin
Owen & Abby

More Play Date Pictures...

Owen, Jessica & Abby
Abby, Linkin, Leanne & Owen
Matayus Playing
Owen Playing with the never ending supply of toys!!!

Owen's attemps at crawling, he actually took two strides forward today!!

Owen's 1st Valentines Day...

Owen had a great 1st Valentines Day. He is so spoiled and got lots of presents and cards. Yes, I said presents, these crazy grandparents will find any excuse to buy Owen some new toys. Hurry up Aunties we need some more grand kids so Owen stops getting so much stuff.

Brandon & Vanessa's Valentines Night Away...

Okay, so we did it! Brandon and I finally left Owen over night for some "us" time. Brandon and I went to Sandia Resort and Casino and got couples messages and stayed the night at the resort. We were so blessed to have my parents come over and stay the night with Owen while Brandon and I got to spend some quality time together. We had a blast, but of course we missed Owen like crazy, all in all it was very worth it!!!

Neither of us are big gamblers so we decided to spend the five dollars each to play some BINGO. Even though we didn't win, we sure had a fun time watching all the older ladies get upset when they didn't bingo. Here we are when we got home the next day. Yes we were a little excited to see our baby boy!!

Owen & Auntie Jess

Owen's Auntie Jess tries to come by at least once a week to check in on her little nephew! Owen sure loves his visits from Auntie. Here are a couple cute ones of the two of them...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Teething :(

Poor Owen doesn't get much of a break with this whole teething thing. In the past four months Owen has gotten six teeth and is now working on seven and eight. You can see them, but they have not yet broke the gum line. Needless to say, Owen has been in a lot of pain lately with his new chompers. He doesn't really care for the cold teething toys so he decided to come up with his own including; bitter biscuits, socks, and o' yes mommy's cell phone. Little rascal...

Cabinet Locks...

So we have finally got around to putting cabinet locks on all the cabinets to keep Owen out of things. They work great, so great actually, Brandon can barley get into them. However; if you happen to leave one unlocked our little bundle of joy is right after them. They have become one of his favorite teething toys!!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Few Cute Ones of Owen...

Here are a few adorable pics of Owen over the past few weeks. Enjoy!!!!

Brandon's B-Day!!!

A few weeks ago was Brandon's 27th Birthday. My Dad was very kind and made Brandon his favorite Hot Wings and we had my family and a few good friends of ours over for dinner! It was a great time. Brandon was very spoiled and had a stack of presents and gifts sent from all his family in CO and CA. He also got a very special gift that he has been wanting for a very long time, an Authentic Throwback John Elway jersey. He also got his annual gift from the Fink family, Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum. Wow, he was so excited!!!

Mama's Night Out...

So last night I had a girls night out. It was so nice and very much needed!! Brandon and Owen had some father son time and me and a few of my girlfriends went out for dinner, drinks, and dancing. We had a great time.