Friday, March 20, 2009

Owen's 1st Trip to the Zoo...

So this week for play date Jess, Leah, and I took Owen and Abby to the zoo. We started the afternoon out with a picnic on the grass and then walked around the zoo to see all the animals. I think the seals were Owens favorite, he seemed to like watching them splash around in the water and listening to them bark. The kids had a blast, even though we were walking in circles since none of us had any sense of direction! I think it took us about two hours to actually find the polar bears! We figure by the end of the summer we will have it all figured out since we all bought annual zoo passes!!!
I swear he makes the cutest faces...
I think at times, Owen was more busy people watching than actually looking at the animals. He is just like his Grammy B!
Abby loves her Auntie Leah!
This took some work to get this picture since the kids were more interested in watching the flamingos behind us than looking at the camera.

Standing/Pulling Up...

So Owen's new talent for the week is pulling himself up into a standing position! He is now into everything! Once he gets pulled up onto something he is starting to walk along holding onto whatever he can; the couch, his toy box, the coffee table, etc
Owen loves to reach in his toy box & throw out all his books all over the floor
The bunny ears are so funny...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Owen's 1st trip to the Park...

So this week on Daddy's day off we decided to take Owen to the park for the very 1st time. The weather was perfect, 68 degrees, sunny, & not too windy! By the looks of the pictures I think Owen, Mommy & Daddy had a great time. Owen experienced a lot of "firsts" today; the swings, monkey bars, the slide, crawling in the grass, & the list goes on. Of all the things we let Owen try, I think he liked the swings the most. Enjoy the pics...
Just Chillin'
Look at that adorable face
That's one proud mommy!
Daddy had so much fun taking Owen down the slide...
Our little "Monkey"

More Park Pictures...

This blue stuff is pretty cool...I wonder what it tastes like? This is a new texture I've never felt before...Yep, my racket ball still tastes good!Thanks again Aunt Anne, I love my quilt!Get this sun out of my face please...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Great Grandma's 78th Birthday Party...

So last night was Owen's Great Grandma Thompson's 78th Birthday party! We had a blast and my mom made the most delicious dinner. Here are some pic's from the party...
Owen & Great Grandma

So my sister found a Birthday candle that shot off Fire Works, we were all pretty shocked!

Here we are wearing our silly B-Day hats...
Owen is becoming quite the master at throwing temper tantrums. This one happened to be in the middle of dinner, great timing Owen...
Mommy found a way to make these ridiculous hats fun!!

Daddy and Owen...

Okay, so their is nothing cuter than a Dad and his son bonding. I love it!
The two most handsome men ever!
Daddy & Owen love to watch cartoons together...

This kid is into EVERYTHING!!!!!

So Owen has become a master at his walker. He is literally all over the house in this thing. His favorite thing to do is to get into all the kitchen cabinets and take whatever he can out. He is quite the little rascal.

Opps...I just got caught!!!!

So proud of himself!

Naked Baby...

I know Owen won't appreciate these pictures when he is older, but he is seriously so cute! He loves to crawl all over the house naked..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Owen & Abby...

Owen & I had our second play date at our house today. Unfortunately, all the kids were still under the weather from the nasty cold going around that it turned out to be just Owen & Abby. That didn't stop the two of them from having fun. Now that Owen is crawling Owen and Abby were following each other around all over the house. They are too funny together.

Owen was walking around the kitchen in his walker and Abby decided it looked like so much fun she decided to grab on the back of him for a ride...

Cutest Picture EVER...

Poor baby got sick :(

The past two weeks have been a little rough. Owen can down with a little cold, runny nose & a nasty cough. The cold then turned into a double ear infection. On top of that his cough was a little wheezy so the doctor put him on nebulizer treatments. As for mommy, she got a sinus infection in the middle of all this mess. Needless to say, the Burgess household has been a little chaotic!! Luckily everyone is feeling much better now, please pray Brandon doesn't catch any of this!


Finally, at nine months almost to the day, Owen started crawling. Now my real job begins! Owen is EVERYWHERE now. He has mastered crawling under tables & desks, on the tile floor, opening dresser drawers, etc. Just 5 days after learning to crawl, Owen is now pulling himself up to a standing position. He is one little determined baby...