Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A few more pictures from Owen's first Christmas

Owen's First Christmas!!!!

Enjoy some pictures we took as we celebrated Christmas for the very first time with Owen.

Owen does not like bedtime

Bedtime has become an adventure for us as we recently discovered that Owen now enjoys playing with anything and everything he can get his hands on, rather than falling asleep. We kept removing things until there was nothing left in his crib and our problems were sloved!! But as you can plainly see, Owen still found something to play with until he finally fell asleep.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Introducing the next Michael Phelps . . . .

As if there weren't enough great things about our Arizona trip, we were able to take Owen into a pool for the first time and we all think we may have a future Olympian on our hands. Michael Phelps look out. . . . . here comes Owen Michael Burgess!!!!!!!!!!!

Owen meeting more of his family

Another great thing about Megan and Danny's wedding was we were able to introduce Owen to several members of his family he hadn't met yet including his great Nana Burgess, Uncle Brian, Auntie Megan, Uncle Danny, Uncle Nick, Aunt Janet, Uncle Pete, cousins Christopher and Devin and many other people who weren't family but thought Owen was the cutest little boy they had ever seen! We agree with them too!!!

We are pleased to present Mr. & Mrs. Danny Henken

Sorry for the delay in the post but we have been very busy with Owen as he continues to grow nearly every day. We were very excited that over the Thanksgiving holiday we went out to Arizona to see Owen's Aunt Megan get married in Scottsdale. It was a beautiful ceremony and a wonderful time was had by all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dedicated to the Lord

This past Saturday night was a special night for Vanessa and I as we dedicated Owen to the Lord at our church. We received a very nice letter from the church and Owen received a letter too that once he commits his life to Christ and chooses to be baptized we can give him.

We are so thankful for all of our friends and family that will help us along our journey of parenthood to raising Owen up in a Godly manner. We were able to dedicate Owen with his friend Abby who is the daughter of another couple in our small group. After church we had a little get together at our house to celebrate.

BOO!!! Look out its a scary lil Monkey!!!!

We cannot believe that Halloween has already came and gone, where has the year gone? Owen is already 5 and a half months old! We went to get 5 month shots and this picture was the best he has taken yet, if you would like info on how to order any of the pictures we have taken of Owen at the photographers please let Vanessa know and she can give you the info.

As you can see, we had a lil monkey on our hands for Halloween and I think he was very confused as to why everyone was dressed up. He did receive a lot of ooh's and aah's from our friends and neighbors. Since next year he will be walking we are sure he will enjoy Halloween a lot more.

Moving up to the BIG TUB!!

Owen has moved from his baby bath tub into the big tub. As you can see he prefers to lie down as opposed to sitting in his chair, but mamma has to wash his somehow. His favorite thing to do in the bath is picking up his legs and splash them in the water and getting mommy all wet. See for yourself how much he enjoys bath time!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Owen takes his first trip

Call us crazy, stupid or a little bit of both, but we decided to basically take a 24 hour trip up to Denver last week so Owen could see some of his aunts and uncles who haven't really seen him. In addition to the aunts and uncles, Owen got to meet one of dad's best friends Jorge, and we are already calling him Uncle Jorge. While there was some rough few hours, sorry about lunch dad, we enjoyed seeing people and watching people's reaction when they saw how big he has gotten.

It remains to be seen when we will take our next trip, but you can bet we will work more according to Owen's schedule than ours. Enjoy the pictures from our crazy trip and Owen's crazy great grandparent who had dinner for us the one night we were there.

Owen is learning new tricks all the time!!!

With September 23rd passing us by last week it is hard to believe Owen is already 4 months old. He was offically initiated to his new age with his second round of shots this morning at Dr. Goods office. He was very sad by the third poke and made sure to let the nurse and most likely the entire office know how unhappy he was with his shots. Owen's official measurements from today's visit are:

Length: 27" (95% percential)
Weight: 13.7 pounds (25% percential)
Head circumference: 41.8 cm (50% percential)

Most of the time when people find out he is only 4 months old we get the same response, "He sure is a healthy looking baby!"

Since our last post a lot of big events have happened in his world. He figured out how to roll over, eat food, and grab his toys. It is amazing to see how much he is changing and developing every day it seems. In addition to putting food in his mouth, he enjoys his hands and toys too. He has become quite the drooler and we really should have a bib on him all the time.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can it be 3 1/2 months already?????

We first have to apologize for the loooong delay in updating our blog, parenting is more time consuming than we could have ever imagined. Since we last updated our blog Owen has had his first shots, visitors from Chicago (The Finks), and celebrated his 3 month birthday! It is truly amazing to see how quickly he is changing and how each day he discovers something new. Owen now enjoys some of the following activies:
- Eating his hands . . .he is still trying to get both in at the same time but only seems to succeed in making himself spit up
- Drooling all over the place, coupled with spitting the drool
- Hearing himself talk and yell
- Trying to roll over, so far he is only half way there, he can make it to his side but then gets stuck
We are looking forward to a surprise trip to Denver later this month to see family and Jorge who will be up from Panama.