Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nothing New

So the weather here in New Mexico has been disgusting! Lets just say its early spring, but feels like winter still and the nasty NM winds have picked up full speed. So due to that, my allergies have gone completely out of control and I can't really take anything for them because of this beautiful baby in my belly. Anyway we are all miserable between allergies, rashes and being stuck indoors all day. Here is what we have been up to around the Burgess household:Owen and I find any excuse to go visit Daddy at work. On this day, Owen insisted on wearing his Daddy's old cowboy boots with his Broncos sweats. They all have a mind of their own! Bad picture, but you get the idea. I know you heard me mention rashes above so here you have it. Owen had this rash for about a week which Brandon and I thought was a bad eczema outbreak. Well it wouldn't go away so we took him to the doc to find out he has some really rare rash called Pityriasis Rosea. Its basically a viral rash that occurs in early spring and fall that itches and can last up to 8 weeks. Poor Baby! The good news is that it is not contagious at all so we don't have to treat him like a leper. They did give us some ointment to help stop the itching.Lots of days are spent inside coloring staring out the window hoping for the wind to stop blowing over everything in our backyard!I have been very into my new hobby, sewing! I have taken two classes now in which I have made a purse and some pajama pants. Sorry I haven't taken pictures of them yet. And on my own I made Owen a Mickey Mouse pillow case and this cute little burp cloth for my Baby Girl on the way!We have also found ourselves doing a bit of spring cleaning. We have been cleaning out closets and drawers that get stuffed with lots of things we no longer need or use. Yes like Brandon's old glasses from college! Owen had a blast with them until he broke them in half. There were lots of tears shed over these silly old things.And of course finding any reason to get out of the house. Yesterday my friend and I were so bored we decided to go walk around Hobby Lobby for no apparent reason. Owen and Livie were a little upset they couldn't get out and play with each other, but they did have fun sharing snacks and holding hands in their baskets!We were so bored we even played a little dress up with the kids while we were there!

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