Saturday, August 22, 2009

Field trip to the Children's Museum...

This week Mommy group took a field trip to the Children's Museum. Okay so it was only Owen and I, and Jess and Abby, but we had a blast anyway. Owen and Abby sure wore themselves out running around playing in the "Knee-High Science Area", it is a whole enclosed area designed just for 1-4 year olds. Hope you enjoy a few pics from our fun filled afternoon.
So there were some pipes on the wall and a huge bucket of balls to drop in them and they come out in various places. Owen and Abby had a blast with this until it got overtaken by some 10 year old girls. Who knows why they found the toddler area so fascinating and where the heck their parents were, but it was quite annoying.
Here are the two trouble makers walking down the ramp.
Owen and Abby are just now to the point where they finally play well together. Of course there are still the occasions when Owen pinches Abby and Abby pushes Owen down, but hey it is to be expected.
Owen has been quite the little dare devil lately. He has started climbing on everything!
They had little area with light switches which is very fascinating for a one year old! Owen loved this and would be very happy if he had a toy like this at home, he gets very frustrated if you turn on a light without lifting him up so HE can do it.

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