Wednesday, May 4, 2011

9 Months Old

So I am playing catch up since Autumn turned 9 Months about a week and a half ago but here it goes. I can not believe that my baby girl is already 9 months old. Where on Earth did all the time go? I think its even harder to believe that in just 3 short months we will be celebrating her 1st Birthday. Wowzer! Her 9 month appointment went great and she only needed 1 shot. She did great didn’t even cry, just a little squeal. Now, what you all are waiting for, her stats…

Autumn’s 9 Month Stats:

Head: 43 cm, 23%

Weight: 13 lbs. 15 oz., 1%

Height: 26 in, 9%

Just for comparison here are Owen’s Stats at 9 Months:

Head: 44 cm, 25%

Weight: 20 lbs. 3 oz., 55%

Height: 30.25 in, 95%

So as you can see the only thing they have in common is the size of their head, lol. Anyway, my children are screaming at me to feed them lunch so I better say goodbye blog! I will be back at naptime to play a little catch up from this past week.

May 1, 2011 070May 1, 2011 071May 1, 2011 073

Here is my little 9 Month Old Sweetie.

Her top 4 Favorite things to do at 9 Months are:

1) Screaming to demand attention from any and everyone.

2) Eat. The girl still has not one single tooth but she will eat anything you give her and loves doing it!

3) Playing Pat-A-Cake, which is what she is doing in the pictures above.

4) Playing with her big bro. Which basically means following him wherever he goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling, darling, pictures! I love each and every picture! So glad you keep the blog updated for all of us "out of towners"!

Love you all,