Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Morning at the Park...

Since the weather has finally been consistantly good enough, meaning not 100 degrees, we have been going to the park almost evey morning. Yes, I mean it, we go at least 3 to 4 mornings a week. I have a rotation of 3 different parks that I have been taking Owen to so he doesn't get bored. Why you may ask? Well, I have a 2 year old with endless energy and a newborn who doesn't like to be put down, so the park is the perfect place for my sanity! The fresh air is amazing for me to clear my head from tantrums and crying, Owen has all the space he needs to run around and endless things for him to climb on, and Autumn gets to sleep attached to me with the fresh air blowing on her. Seriously, its one place that pleases all three of us at the same time. Here are some pictures from the morning. I am sure there are going to be many more park pictures in my future blogging....
Autumn and I. She loves this pouch and so do I. I have two free hands and she still gets to sleep attached to me wherever we happen to be!
And here is my 2 year old monkey! I mean it. This kid has to climb on EVERYTHING! This ladder thing is amazing because its something he can climb on that is acceptable, meaning not all the furniture in my house. Ugh, this kid is gonna make me have grey hair by time I am 30!
I can not even start to explain how much he loves this slide! I wish you could see his face, but he looks down everytime he goes on it.
He basically loves all slides....
and ladders! He makes me so nervous. He refuses to accept help climbing up the ladder. His favorite phrase is, "No, I do it by myself!" and if you don't let him you are in for an all out temper tantrum/meltdown! 3 can't come soon enough! Of course, only my son would insist on playing on the normal swings instead of the toddler ones that are age appropritate for him! Help me. And here is my precious angel in her car seat getting ready to leave the park. Don't worry Grandarents, I know she is not strapped in yet! I had to take the picture before buckeling her in otherwise this precious little face would be bright red and screaming.


Anonymous said...

You are so smart, Vanessa! I am so glad that you found a "place" for all three of you to find peace and contentment. You can see it on all your faces! And I wasn' even thinking of the seat belt! I was too busy looking at the cute bow in Autumn's hair!

Love you,
MOM B./Mimi

Kaitlyn Altman said...

I love that first picture of you and Autumn! Love you guys!