Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Week....The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good:
This week on one of Brandon's days off we went as a family to Hoot's. Hoot's is where Owen celebrated his 2nd Birthday. They have all the giant inflatable slides and a huge jungle gym. Brandon and I took turns playing with Owen while the other held Autumn. It was so much fun and a nice family day out. Sorry the pictures are kind of blurry from Hoot's it was hard to capture Owen staying still.
The Bad:
Unfortunately I am sick! Yes, a 2 year old right in the middle of his Terrible Two's and a 7 week old with colic, and I am sick. HELP! Mommies just don't have time to be sick.
The Ugly:
A 2 year olds explosive Temper Tantrums that have escalated to an all time high.
Enjoy the pictures from our week. There are some fun Autumn pictures mixed into The Good, The Bad and The Ugly....
The Good: Family day at Hoot's. I love this action shot of Brandon in mid air. Him and Daddy had so much fun playing!
Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!
Here is Mr. Owen shooting some hoops.
The Ugly: Brandon and I are really struggling with this. Owen has been having some major temper/anger issues lately. He throws fits over everything, and has been hitting, pushing and throwing things. We have been doing lots of research on different discipline methods because time outs have not been working. Please pray for us to make it through these terrible twos!
Our friends from our small group met up with us at Hoot's to let their kiddos play too. Here is Owen and Abby playing in the jungle gym.
Owen can finally make the giant climb up to the top of the slide. He had so much fun going up and down over and over! It was pretty funny he had little sweat beads on his forehead.
and down he goes.
Family photo at Hoot's.
Bath Time. Isn't she beautiful with her Daddy's blue eyes?
I'm telling you, I think she is going to be a thumb sucker.
All wrapped up after her bath.
My little Angel!
The Bad....Here are the Kids and I having a sick day. We were all hanging out on the couch watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I am about 90% sure I have a sinus infection and I am pretty sure Owen either has really bad allergies or a yucky cold. I am praying Autumn stays healthy in the mix of all the sicknesses going around! I am heading to the doctors first thing tomorrow morning!
I really love the snuggle time I get with Autumn when Owen is upstairs napping. Owen and I got invited to his friend Linkin's 3rd Birthday Party today. It's a swim party so I surely couldn't take Autumn cause she would freeze in a pool. Here she is all ready to go hang out with Nana and Pampo for a couple hours so Owen and I could attend the party. Daddy will be picking her up after work. first time leaving her!


Anonymous said...

Another beautiful blog of my beautiful grandchildren and their lovely parents. Hang in there...As you said, "Parenting is the hardest job you'll ever love".
I hope the Burgess' feel better soon:)


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes baby girl just lay there with your legs spread while I lick you clean