Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miracle Blanket....The Gift of Sleep!

Anyone who has ever owned and used a Miracle Blanket knows exactly what I am talking about! This blanket is truly a MIRACLE! Just a side note, those Swaddle Me blankets made by Halo are nothing like the miracle blanket! This is a swaddle blanket made out of 100% cotton proven to help babies sleep better, reduce colic, prevent facial scratches, prevent babies from startling themselves awake and helps ease fussiness without the use of buttons, straps, Velcro, snaps or zippers. Don't believe me, check out their website www.miracleblanket.com. Anyway, we used this blanket with Owen and at just 6 weeks, Owen was sleeping through the night and has been ever since. We never had to rock him to sleep either. We just wrapped him up, laid him down and he put himself right to sleep. Well, we tried it with Autumn the night we brought her home from the hospital and were a little skeptical because it really wasn't giving us the same results so we gave it up. Well after a few rough weeks of her waking up more and more we decided to give it another try, and much to our surprise, it worked. I think before she was just too small for the blanket. Well, at 7 weeks she is now sleeping through the night and has been for a week. And we no longer have to spend hours rocking her to sleep! Same thing as Owen, wrap her, lay her and she does the rest. Every parent MUST get this blanket. The key is consistency, the baby may not like it at first, but you can't give up because your sleep is worth it. Did I mention Brandon was fortunate to sell the inventors of this blanket a house a couple years ago? They are awesome people and have invented an awesome product. Here are some pics of Autumn in the wonderful invention...
So she starts out wide awake like this,
then her eyes go to this,
and within about ten minutes she is out. And Brandon and I get some amazing sleep because of it! Thank you Miracle Blanket!


Mark and Lindsey said...

I think they should hire you to sell the miracle blanket! I mean, you convinced me to buy them and based on the description in your blog I think you could sell them to any parent of a new baby!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Vanessa!!! You are a great sales person! Now just ask this gentleman if he can invent a Miracle Blanket for the older generation who wake up in the night:)
Once again, darling pictures!