Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pinterest Party

Some friends and I have been throwing the idea of having a ‘Pinterest’ Party around for quite awhile now. Well, I am so glad to say that this past Sunday we finally had our first one. I say first because we are going to try and do these every other month rotating hosts, so I think this was the first of many to come. First off, for those who don’t know what Pinterest is it is basically a social virtual pin board for all the different things you find on the internet (you can check it out for yourself at Second, what is a Pinterest Party? Well, it’s basically a time for all us fellow pinners to get together eat, drink and craft. We all chose a project we found on pinterest that we have been wanting to do but just haven’t found the time to do and did it. We all showed up with a craft, a bottle of wine, and a snack to share. My sister and I have been housesitting for my parents for the past week because they were enjoying a much needed lovely vacation in Costa Rica. Well, rather than kicking out one of our husbands for the evening to have the Pinterest Party we decided to host the party at my parents house since we had access to their empty house. We did get prior approval so please don’t think we all just showed up, we’re not that rude. lol. As I was busy crafting all night I forgot to pull out my camera until the very end but you can enjoy what I did manage to get.

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Boy o boy we had some delicious food to snack on! Chocolate Covered Popcorn, Hummus & Pita Chips, Brie and Cranberry wrapped in a pastry with Crackers, More Cheese & Crackers, Fresh Bakes French Fries, and Brownie Batter Dip with Graham Crackers…and of course WINE! Yum!!!!!

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Kaitlyn, Jess & Kat

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The ladies hard at work. There were 5 of us total; Me, My Sister, Cammy, Kaitlyn & Kat. The perfect amount to all fit around the table and have enough elbow room to work.

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My Sis putting the final touch on her project.

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Her and Cammy worked hard all night making these ADORABLE Alphabet Magnets out of River Rocks for my niece Abi. They did a great job hand painting them all. Way to go ladies they look GREAT!!!

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I worked on these 4th of July Outfits for my kiddos. I’m always so busy sewing for everyone else, especially now that I started Nessy’s Dressy’s, that I decided to actually sew something for my own kids for a change. I made the skirt for Autumn out of two cloth napkins I found at Cost Plus World Market and then bought little flags from JoAnns and sewed them onto these shirts. I think they look great and can’t wait to see them on the kiddos soon!

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And Miss Kaitlyn made Olivia this adorable Skirt out of two Hand Towels she found at Target.

Thank you Pinterest for the wonderful craft ideas and A big Thanks to all the ladies who came and made the night so enjoyable! I highly recommend all you fellow Pinners to have a Pinterest Party. They are so fun. Who doesn’t love crafting with good company and good wine?

1 comment:

Libby Williams said...

Sad I missed it! I think our sewing parties should count as mini pinterest parties! Miss you girls!