Saturday, August 6, 2011

Autumn’s 1 Year Check Up…

I know many of you are wondering where Autumn measured up at her 1 Year Appointment. So here you go, I am also putting up Owen’s measurements from his 1 year check up for a comparison:

   Autumn:                                                               Owen:

  Weight: 15 lbs. 12 oz. (1 %)                           Weight: 22 lbs. 1 oz. (50%)

  Height: 27 in. (4%)                                            Height: 31.75 in. (95%)

  Head: 43 cm. (5%)                                             Head: 45 cm. (20 %)

Well, there you have it friends, my daughter is just simply TINY! Or I guess the correct way to say it is petite. As a mother who is a natural “worrier” I would be totally lying if I said I wasn’t a little concerned. Wouldn’t you be if you knew 99% of 1 year olds are bigger than your kid, or that she is only bigger than 1% of kids her age? Okay I know its really nothing health concerning, but its hard always being the small one. Trust me I know from experience. I just don’t want kids to pick on her because of her size. Again, trust me I know. Being called, pip squeek, shorty, midget, tiny, and etc. gets really old after awhile. Anyway, the doc said she is a very happy and healthy little girl and for her, she is continuing to grow. He also mentioned that someone had to be in the 1 percentile so not to worry. Lol, didn’t exactly give me the peace of mind I was looking for. But seriously….


look at her. She is absolutely adorable and I wouldn’t want her any other way! Here are a few highlights of Autumn at 1:

- She LOVES to Eat. Small, petite, teeth or no teeth the girl can eat and eat and eat and loves doing so!

- She finally got her first 2 teeth this week. Hooray, 1 less thing for mom to worry about. O yeah, the top two are also about to pop through. Didn’t really help teething on top of getting 5 shots at her appt. Poor girl has been pretty miserable the past 2 days.

-She Adores her Big Bro, and the feeling is completely mutual. These two have become inseparable. She is an imitator to the core. She loves to copy any and everything he does and she can keep up with him so well now.

- She is a super fast crawler, she can stand on her own and is so very close to walking.

-She is an excellent sleeper. She takes 2 naps a day; 1 from 11:30-2:00pm and another from 4:00-5:30pm. She has also been sleeping through the night since 7 weeks.

- She is a climber and is in to everything. Here is a quick example:

Playing w-Friends Aug 2011 024

Do you notice anything behind the end table in the family room?

Playing w-Friends Aug 2011 022

Yep, its Autumn. She has this thing about trying to chew on the iPad charger, so being concerned about her safety in doing so I moved the charger to behind this table thinking she would not be able to get to it. Well, that’s what I get for thinking, this stinker climbed (okay I mean squeezed herself) behind the table to get to her favorite charger/teething toy. This girl is going to give me a heart attack!! Did I already mention the countless number of times I catch her standing on chairs and tables. What a STINKER.

- She has such a sweet spirit and is such a fun loving little girl. She loves to give hugs and kisses to anyone who wants to receive one. But on the other hand she can be so so feisty!

- She still has quite a bit of Stranger Anxiety, much more than Owen ever had, but she is starting to get a little better.

I think that just about sums up my little Autumn at 1 year old. Thank you God so much for blessing our family with this beautiful child and trusting Brandon and I to raise her to be a God Loving little Girl. Mommy and Daddy love you so much sweetie!!!!!!


And I will leave you all with this! Here is Autumn after her Auntie Kiki brought her and her bro a Rocky Road Cake Pop from Starbucks the other night. I don’t even feel the need to tell you if she liked it or not…

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