Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Owen’s 1st Day of Pre-K!

Today was an exciting day for Owen. It was Meet & Greet Day at his new school. This was a day for the kids to come in, meet their teacher, meet their fellow classmates, check out the school, and drop off their school supplies for the year. Owen has been dying to start school so he was very eager to get dressed and out the door this morning. Luckily Brandon was off today so he got to come along too!

Owen will be attending Foothills Christian Pre-School & Kindergarten at Foothills Bible Church. We fell in love with the school immediately because it felt so much like the pre-school he went to last year in New Mexico. He is in the Pre-Kindergarten Class that will meet on Tuesday & Thursday from 9:00am to Noon. We could have put him in 3 mornings a week, but I am just not ready to give up my child more than 2 mornings a week, he’ll have the rest of his life to go to school so I am going to hold onto him as long as I can. Owen is in a class with 12 kids, 6 Boys & 6 Girls, and he has a teacher and a teachers aid. His teacher is Mrs. Anderson and the teachers aid is Miss. Laura. I am so excited for school this year since it will be a great way for Owen to get out of the house, have a little time away from his sister, meet some new friends and most importantly get him fully ready for Kindergarten next year. OMG, it’s crazy just saying that!?! Luckily Kindergarten in Colorado is only half days so I wont have to be without him all day!

Here are some fun pictures from the morning…

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I can’t believe how grown up this kid is. Breaks my heart a little.

I know it was all about Owen this morning, but Autumn was starting to feel a bit left out so we snapped a special picture of her too…

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Cutie pie!

Okay, back to Owen’s 1st Day of Pre-K…

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Off he goes :(

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His classroom #116.

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Poor Autumn was saying that frog says “Autumn”. I think she was feeling a little left out with all the hype and Owen was finding his name all over the place so she wanted to feel included too.

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Owen and a couple classmates Abby & Emma with Miss. Laura painting. They had different stations for the kids to play and do a few activities to get used to their new classroom.

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Autumn started to feel better when she was able to play too. This girl loves play dough!

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Owen, Tyler & Carter playing in the sensory bin!

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Owen & Tyler playing Grocery Store. They were taking turns ringing up each others purchases on the cash register.

As I am sure you can tell, Owen had no 1st day nerves and was super excited and confident about going to school. I am so proud of my sweet boy and how social and friendly he was with all the new people he met this morning. He is growing up so fast and I could not possibly be more proud of this sweet child God has given to us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling pictures! Owen is growing up too fast! Loved the sidewalk pics of both the kids! Was that from Pinterest or just my creative daughter-in-law?
Have a great school year, Owen!