Monday, August 6, 2012

Broncos Scrimmage, A Trip to the Pool & Preparing for my Trip

Since Brandon is still in training for his new job with KB Homes, he is working out of the main office for 2 weeks Monday-Friday. Since I have known Brandon, he has ALWAYS worked weekends and has his normal days off during the week. Well, with him having weekends off right now, we are trying to make the most out of our weekends as a family since they are o’ so rare! I have to say, this weekend was a BLAST!

Broncos Scrimmage:

The Broncos Stadium does this really cool Free Scrimmage game every year (for the past 4 years) right before Pre-Season starts. Yes, I said FREE. Parking is free and entry to the stadium is free! How cool and how could we not take advantage of this awesome event. Before the scrimmage game the broncos had practice and that was also open for the public to come watch. The stadium was expecting 20,000 people at this event based off of last years attendance but underestimated a bit as 40,000+ people showed up! Crazy. Owen & Autumn were beyond excited to get to go watch the Broncos play Football. It was a super fun afternoon spent with my wonderful family!

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All ready to watch some football!!!!!

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Cutest Bronco Fans EVER! Owen cheered his little heart out. His most hilarious saying was, “GOOOOO TEBOW!” I kept telling him that is no longer a good thing to yell but he just couldn’t help it. Hahahaha

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Brandon’s best friend used to date one of the Broncos Cheerleaders (they are still really good friends), Heather Heartman, so it was fun being able to cheer for someone we know personally.

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My favorite player, #87 Erik Decker!!!!

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Owen spotted some kids rolling down this big grass hill so of course he wanted to give it a shot. Lol.

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Downtown Denver.


A Trip to the Pool:

Sunday morning we woke up went to Church and came home for lunch and naps. We actually all napped. It was a strange was to spend an afternoon since I never nap. I have to say, it was wonderful. After naps we decided to go have some fun at the pool. Brandon’s mom lives in a town home and the town homes have a community pool. She was kind enough to give us a key to use at our discretion! Even better, its only 10 minutes from our house and no one is ever there. We had a wonderful family afternoon, even Mimi came for a bit to spend some time with us. Super great day!


The kids were thrilled when we announced we were going to the pool. These two just LOVE the water!


We decided to give Autumn a try with arm floaties. She was not very excited about them until she realized it gave her some freedom in the pool and then she loved them.


She was doing great with the floaties and gained a ton of confidence in the water! Way to go Autumn!


She even learned to “walk the wall” yesterday. She is growing up way to fast!


Owen’s favorite thing to do is jump in the water over and over and over again. This kid would live in the pool if given the opportunity.



Another AMAZING day with my family!!!!


Preparing for my Trip:

I am SO excited my BFF’s Wedding is in 5 days!!!! Originally, Brandon and I were going to leave the kids with my parents and take a weekend to ourselves to attend Candie & Toby’s Wedding in Las Vegas, NV. Well, with the move and Brandon starting a new job, plans changed. I am now going to attend the wedding solo :(. I will leave Wednesday and return Sunday. My AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL Mother-In-Law is going to stay the night Tues, Wed, and Thurs to be here to watch the kids during the day while Brandon is at work. She is mainly staying the night so she doesn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn to be here before Brandon leaves for work. Brandon will be home on Saturday & Sunday. I am super sad I have to leave my family but if I am being completely honest I am really looking forward to some “me” time! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being a wife and mother and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, but I am so excited to be in charge of ME and only ME for 4 days!!!! I can sleep until “I” want to get up, I can take as long as “I” want to get ready and I can be on “MY” very own schedule! Call it selfish or whatever you want, but I am thoroughly looking forward to a little get away for ME! Any who, the laundry is done, the house is clean (enough), the fridge & pantry are full and there is a casserole I made in the freezer for Brandon, Becky and the kids while I am away. Now I am off to pack. See what I mean, Mom’s always come last and I am totally okay with that :)


Brandon is most nervous about having to do Autumn’s hair while I am away so he has been doing some practice runs. Lol. I think it is the cutest thing ever seeing a Dad doing his daughters hair. If I am honest, he's still hasn’t really gotten the hang of it, but the fact that he is trying just melts my heart. Brandon is such an AWESOME dad!!!!!

T minus 2 days! Vegas here I come!

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