Monday, August 27, 2012

A new attitude & outlook…

So after my first really rough week of adjusting to Brandon’s new work schedule I can say things are much better around here. I truly think I was in a funk. I was trying to adjust to our new life here in Colorado, and was extremely missing my friends and family back in New Mexico. Do you blame me, those people are awesome! But after that first week with Brandon’s new work schedule and a massive reality slap in the face, week two was much much better. Why? I am honestly not too sure, but it was easier than the week before and for that I am so thankful. I honestly think my attitude and my outlook changed and most importantly my heart changed. In the grand scheme of things I honestly have it really good. What do I honestly have to be ‘down’ about? I have an amazing family (mine & my in-laws), an amazing husband, amazing children that I am able to spend every single day with, a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a God who loves me unconditionally despite my many many flaws. I am SO SO BLESSED and I think it just took a fresh outlook and some serious time in God’s word for me to pull out of my funk.

So with all that said (yes, I ramble), I will get onto the stuff I know the grandparents who are missing our kiddos really want….pictures. This week was mainly spent outdoors soaking up what is left of summer because I know it is soon going to come to an end. I am trying to save indoor activities for late fall and winter when I know we are going to be forced to be inside. Any who, the weather was in the high 80’s and low 90’s this past week so it was perfect to be outside soaking up the sun! Here are some fun pics from the week.


I think we spent about 4 days having lunch at the park. No mess at home, kids can run around while eating, and they burn off energy. Perfect, perfect, perfect!




One afternoon we got a little rain which was unexpected so to keep the kids entertained we did some painting…


Owen titled his painting ‘a sunny day’. The kid is hysterical. I have no clue where he came up with that name. Lol


We made another trip to the grocery store which meant another pony ride…


They can’t get enough of this awesome pony ride for a PENNY!


Or the free car ride they get from Mommy. This thing is really hard to steer give me some credit!


Saturday night we had some really good friends over for a game night. The kids were pretty bummed when everyone showed up at 7:45pm and they had to go to bed while we had all the fun, but Mommies and Daddies deserve to have fun too! We invited two of Brandon’s best friends over and their fiancé/girlfriend. It was a blast! We had some great company, awesome snack food and some really good laughs. I am so thankful for the friends we have here!

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As always, I spent all this time taking pictures before everyone arrived and completely forgot to pull out the camera when all the fun was going on! Ugh, I hate when I do that!

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Brandon made his amazing homemade salsa and I made my famous chewy chocolate chip cookies for the occasion!

The kids were wired waiting for our guests to arrive. There was dancing…

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and there was even a wrestling match. I love these two they are too funny!


Sunday was a super busy day. The kids and I went to church in the morning. Mimi even came to check out our new church. We love it. Then we took Mimi to go see Brandon’s new sales office/model homes followed by a trip to the park in the community Brandon works in. We had a picnic lunch at the park, Came home, took naps, and then headed to the pool for some fun. It was busy, busy, busy but well worth it! Such a fun Sunday Fun day with Mimi. I am so blessed with a WONDERFUL Mother-In-Law.


Owen and Daddy before church. Love my boys!


Autumn eating our picnic lunch at the park wearing Mimi’s hat! Lol.


This girlie has a major Sunglasses obsession. She cracks me up!


Some big news this trip to the pool, Autumn can now swim on her own with her floaties on. She loves the independence of me not having to hold her the entire time and she thinks she is so cool. I am so proud of this little peanut!!!!


Owen had a super fun water fight with his squirter toys.


The best water fights ALWAYS involve Mimi. So much fun!


Today was one of Brandon’s days off so this morning consisted of a few errands and then some fun in the cul de sac. We ran separate errands, I took Autumn and Brandon took Owen. It is so amazing how much easier life is when you only have 1 kid to worry about. It’s also amazing how well behaved they both act when the other one isn’t around.


The most important errand this morning was getting Brandon a new license plate since his New Mexico registration expires on Aug. 31st. Look like the Passat is officially a Coloradan. Crazy? Mine is waiting until sometime next year because my tags are still good and it’s 4 times the amount it was in New Mexico to register your vehicle in Colorado. Yes as in 4 F-O-U-R times!!!!!! I knew the cost of living was higher up here but geesh!



Guess which on of my kids insisted on lining up all the vehicles/bikes in a strait line????




And that sums up our week in a nut shell. So thankful for a fresh outlook and a new attitude. Bring it on week 3!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful posts! I am glad you are in better spirits. I am confident that God has some wonderful godly women for you yet to meet, my darling daughter-in-law! I love my water fights with Owen and watching Autumn just being cute!