Saturday, August 4, 2012

Big News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, calm down…..NO I AM NOT PREGNANT for all you crazies that thought that upon reading the title. But honestly we have Big News. Maybe not to you, but to us it is huge!





Anyone notice the difference????

NO MORE PACI’S for AUTUMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is huge because this girl was a Paci addict. I never thought we would make it to this point and it was much, much simpler than I anticipated it being. We took Owen’s paci away when he was 1, with the exception of night time which it was taken away when he turned 2. With Owen it was easy peasy, no big deal. We let Autumn have hers longer mainly because of all the terrible ear infections she had. It helped comfort her when she was in pain. Any who, we let her have it way more than Owen past the age of 1. After we moved up to Colorado we finally got her where she only had it at night and in the car. Good first step, but at bedtime she still had to have a huge pile of paci’s! So how did it happen?

Well, about a week and a half ago, Autumn was being a big brat. She kept acting so bad and time outs and other punishments just weren’t working. So I finally said, “fine, if you keep acting up missy, you will not get any paci’s at naptime.” Well, my sweet persistent little girl kept on with the bratty behavior so Mommy meant business. I marched up to her crib and removed all her paci’s and laid her down for nap. And MUCH to my surprise, she did great. So immediately I thought to myself, maybe now is the time to remove the paci from her life. So ever since that nap time, paci has seized to exists. Now don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been as easy going as that first nap, especially once she realized paci was never coming back. It got pretty tough to hold out seeing those tears roll down her face when she asked for paci. For about 6 days, she was having some serious anxiety about nap and bed time. Anytime she heard the word bed or night she would immediately start saying, “no nigh nigh mommy, no nigh nigh mommy.” And although it was sad to see her so sad, I knew in the end it would be well worth it.

So I am super Happy to announce that Autumn has been Paci Free for 10 full days now. We did tell her a story to help her through this all and to let her know that we are so so so proud of her for being such a big girl. We explained that a Paci Fairy came down and took all of her paci’s to take to the hospital and give to all the crying babies that didn’t have any paci’s. We also explained that after a couple weeks that the paci fairy would come back and leave her a nice present to Thank Autumn for sharing her paci’s with all the little crying babies. Worked like magic.

Last night as I was laying Autumn down, she looked up at me and said, “No Paci Mama, I a Big Girl Now.” Awe!!!!!!!!!!!!! She melts my heart and I could not be more proud of her because I know in the end all paci was to her was comfort. WHAT A BIG GIRL.

Next Step……Potty Training!

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