Thursday, August 23, 2012

Family Day!!!!!!

After my last blog, I decided we needed something a bit more upbeat. As you all know, I've been experiencing some homesickness and loneliness as Brandon is working looonnnggg hours and I haven’t made any stay at home mommy friends yet. Key word is YET, it will happen, just takes time. Well, after Brandon worked 8 (10-12 hour) days in a row, I think it is safe to say we were all in desperate need of some good quality family time! Thanks to my absolutely amazing husband he planned a nice morning of fun family time on Tuesday, and then set up a surprise date night for us. Did I mention I have an amazing husband? Okay, onto our fun filled day…

A Morning in Golden

Tuesday morning we ate breakfast, got dressed, packed up a picnic lunch, and then hit the road. We took a drive up to Golden, Colorado. Brandon hadn’t been there since he was a kid and the kids and I have never been. We have heard great things about the little town and wanted to go check it out for ourselves. Golden is about 30 minutes from our house tucked away in the mountains. It is a beautiful little quiet town with lots to see and do. Brandon and I both agreed that it would be a really cool town to live in because you feel like you are so far away from the city in this little mountain town, but in 30 minutes you can be in downtown Denver. Mountain living with city conveniences and shopping, what could be better? Maybe we will look into Golden when we are ready to buy a house again, who knows? When we arrived we drove around downtown Golden checking out all the cool little shops and sights to see. After that we headed to Clear Creek White Water Park. The kids played on the awesome playground, we went and took a stroll along the creek watching people rafting and tubing down the creek, and then we made our way to the huge open grass area for a picnic lunch. It was a perfect morning together! So thankful for my family!

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Golden, CO started back in the 1800’s as a little mining town. In 1870 they established the Colorado School of Mines which is still there today and is a a great school.

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The Huge Park!

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After we all ate our picnic lunch, the kids went to play some soccer in the grass with Daddy while I got to kick back, relax and watch from afar. I cherish these moments.

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Such a WONDERFUL morning with my Family!!!!!

Surprise Date Night

I think my husband really picked up on my ‘down’ mood last week and noticed I was in need on some time with not only my family, but my husband too! Since the move and everything we haven’t really had a ton of one on one time like all couples need, especially with kids. After we got home from Golden we put the kids down for a nap. While they were napping Brandon told me I needed to get ready because his Aunt was coming over at 5:30pm to watch the kids so we can go on a date. He is so sweet. He planned our night AND scheduled someone to watch the kids without me knowing. I think this was our first real ‘date night’ in 3 months (give or take). Point being, it was long overdue. I am so grateful for my husband and that he takes the time to put things like this together behind my back to surprise me and make me feel special!

Once his Aunt Bev came over we left and headed to dinner…


Again, my hubby is so awesome. He took me to a Restaurant called The Rock. They specialize in Wood Fired Pizza and Wood Fired Pizza is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!! They also have a brewery there where they brew their own beer. Another one of my favorites! For all you New Mexico Peeps, it is very similar to Turtle Mountain Brewing Company which is my favorite restaurant in Rio Rancho. It was so nice sitting on the patio with my hubby eating some fabulous food and drinking some great beer. My hubby knows me so well!


After dinner we headed right down the street to the AMC to see a movie. We saw the Bourne Legacy. We loved watching the Bourn Trilogy together so it was a great pick. I was a little nervous since Matt Damon wasn’t in this one, but it was a GREAT movie.


I LOVE my husband. Thanks again babe, you planned one awesome Date Night. Love you and am so grateful to have you! Also a huge thanks to Aunt Bev for coming over and watching the kiddos. They had a BLAST with you! (and for all wondering, we did not plan to match that evening, it just happened that way. lol)


I will finish with a few miscellaneous pic’s from our week…

The kids and I visit a park a least once a day. The weather has been perfect (low 80’s), its free, it gets us out of the house, and it burns off energy. WIN WIN WIN WIN…


This park was a great one. We just discovered it the other day and are so happy we found it. Even better its not far from the house!



And who said a Penny can’t buy you anything nowadays?


The grocery store by our house has a Horse Ride that only costs 1 Cent! The kids were fabulous on our last trip to the grocery store so I let them ride the pony once we checked out. It was a super long ride, it was only a penny, and now its great motivation for the kids to behave during all our future shopping trips. Yay


Autumn was in desperate need of some tennis shoes, especially since we practically live at the park. Lol. So we took a special trip to Nordstrom Rack (my favorite obsession) to pick her out some new kicks.


Are these not the cutest shoes you’ve ever seen?!?!?! I love them and she thinks she is soooo cool now that she has shoes like her big bro!


What do you do when you are making a Baby Shower Gift for a baby boy and 1 parent is a Oregon State University Alumni and 1 parent is a University of Oregon Alumni?

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You make a Infant Car Seat Cover that is reversible! That way depending on which parent has the baby, they can chose what side to represent when covering the car seat. Genius. All credit is due to my husband for the awesome idea!

And that genius idea, led to this…

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A split burp cloth. That way whoever is burping the baby can chose what side the baby will puke on. Hahaha.

Go Bears? Go Ducks? Either way this baby is prepared to cheer for one team or the other and that will make 2 very proud parents!!!! Congrats Devin & Veronica, can’t wait to see pictures of your newest addition when he makes his entrance into this world.

That about does it!

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