Sunday, August 12, 2012

Five days without Mommy

So most of you frequent followers probably have noticed the lack of new posts from us and the big reason is Vanessa has been out of town for five days.  She got a much deserved break and flew out to Las Vegas on Wednesday to be apart of her best friend Candie’s wedding.  The wedding was actually on Saturday but she went out a few days early to be apart of the bridal shower and all the stuff that comes along with being in a wedding.  Now the whole time leading up to her trip she kept talking about sleeping in a lot and getting tons of rest and after talking to her this morning, it sounds like she is looking forward to getting home so she can actually rest. 

Apparently they were busy the whole time, but she said it was so much fun.  Luckily we had some amazing help in the form of Mimi and her former student Claudia to watch the kid while I was working Wednesday through Friday.  Then yesterday and today I have been Mr. Mom.  Thankfully everyone has survived so far and we are all excited to go pick up Mommy tonight from the Airport around 9. 

We are definitely not as good at documenting our activities as Vanessa but I was able to get a few pictures yesterday when we visited Auntie Megan, Uncle Dan and Bailey at their house to go swimming at their neighborhood pool.  It was a lot of fun for the first 45 minutes, then it got windy and cloudy so we didn’t get to swim too long but it was a lot of fun.

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Just chillin in the nice chairs they had set out everywhere.  There was also a great little kiddie pool so it was nice not having to hold either of them for a change and you can see you could just walk right in and it only went to 1.5 feet.  They loved chasing each other around the pool.

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Bailey had a good time too, until Owen ran by her and accidentally splashed her with water, she didn’t like that too much.  But for those of you whole know our kids they are not satisfied unless they are doing more challenging things so of course that was off to the big pool where it was daddy in there with them basically holding Autumn as Owen is very independent with his floaties on.

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These were the only two pictures I could take before Ms. Autumn wanted to get in too, but Owen loved this lane divider and actually went along it all the way to the other side of the pool.


Finally I know Vanessa showed a pic of me recently of me practicing doing Autumn’s hair and this weekend I was put to the test and while my final work is not near the quality of Vanessa, I must say I am proud of my work.  I not only did a pony tail, I even attempted to do pig tails too, although my first attempt wasn’t the best with them.


DSC_0003    Pony tail for swimming

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         1st try at pig tails, a little uneven                           2nd time was much better

Welcome back Mommy, we all missed you and are glad you are home!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Altman said...

aww fun! Miss them!!