Thursday, May 31, 2012

This past Week & Mimi’s Visit

I know it seems like since I blog all the time that I am up to date with the happenings in our lives, but I am way far behind on what’s going on around here. Some things I am not able to blog about quite yet, but lets just say things around the Burgess household are VERY VERY chaotic. Anyway, I will try and make this blog make as much sense as possible. Basically I am going to try and catch up the past week, some things are from before Owen’s Birthday Party so it may seem a bit all over the place. Ok, bare with me folks.

I will start by saying we have the world BEST Babysitter ever McKenzie! Although she is a teenager and needs money for gas and fun, she genuinely LOVES our kids. If it’s been too long since she has seen them, she will call me and ask to come by and visit. Usually, it just forces Brandon and I to realize that it has been way too long since our last date night. So last Thursday night, Brandon and I called McKenzie up and she was here in no time flat. Thank you so much Kenzie for always making time for our kids and for loving them with all your heart, they adore you! Brandon and I went to Scalo for Dinner and it was amazing and then headed to Uptown Albuquerque to walk around and just share some one on one time.


My Hunny and I out on the town for Date Night!


Friday morning we woke up and headed to the gym like usual. But afterwards, we were headed to the Airport to pick up MIMI!!!!! Yay. The kids were so excited to see her. She was making a special trip down to attend Owen’s 4th Birthday Party. We picked her up around 11ish and then headed to Daddy’s work to stop by and show Mimi his new office, then it was home for naps all around. We enjoyed a delicious Asian Dinner later that night and then Owen got to open some more gifts that his family from Colorado sent up with Mimi.

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A big thanks to Mimi, GG, Papa Nick, Auntie Megan, Uncle Dan & Bailey for sending all the wonderful gifts to Owen. You all are way too generous!

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Even Autumn got a few gifts so she didn’t feel left out and I got a sweet Mother and Daughter Book as a belated Mother’s Day Gift. You guys are way to sweet. Thanks a million!

And after gifts it was off for bath time. Mimi LOVES to partake in the bath time fun when she visits. She took a few really cute pictures so I thought I would share.

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These two are so used to having their pictures taken. Every time Mimi brought out the camera they would immediately say “cheese”!

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Little Stinkers!


Saturday was mainly spent party prepping for Sunday’s Big Pirate Party (If you missed the Party Blog, click ‘Older Posts’ in the lower right hand corner). We did happen to capture this sweet sibling moment…


Owen was coloring with Mimi and I was chopping up some fruit for the party and Autumn was hanging on my leg begging and crying for me to pick her up. She was saying, “I hold you, I hold you.” Owen looked at her and said, “Come here Autumn, brother will hold you,” so she crawled up right in her lap and was perfectly content. Awww!


Sunday was the big party day!


Monday morning we all woke up a little bit pooped. We were all drained from the two previous days so we decided to have a laid back kind of morning. After breakfast we decided to put up the kids new Jumper they got as a combined Birthday Present to give it a try since it has been too windy to try it out. It was such a beautiful morning spent hanging on the patio watching the kids run, jump and play!

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I believe the pictures speak for themselves, but the kids LOVE their new jumper!!!

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The jumper has a cool little basketball hoop that Owen loved.

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Once they got a bit warned out from jumping we all just kind of hung out being lazy outside soaking up the beautiful sun!

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She is hilarious with her “backpacks” (anything with a handle is a backpack) and her cell phones.

After our lazy morning we got showered and dressed and headed to the store to exchange a couple duplicate bday gifts and to spend a little bit of his Birthday Money.


It is a Toys ‘r’ Us tradition to go play in the Power Wheels on Display! Lol.

When we came home, Owen and Autumn had to test out one of the toys he bought with the money his Papa Bruce sent….

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Play dough! Yay!


Tuesday morning Daddy and Autumn went to the gym and Owen and I headed out to his 4 Year Old Check-Up while Mimi got a quiet morning to sleep in.


4 Year Stats:

40.75 Inches and 36 pounds.

The doctor said he looks nice and healthy and is tall and skinny just like his Daddy. So thankful Autumn got my height (or lack there of) instead of Owen. He also had to get his round of shots before he is able to enter Kindergarten. Shots get harder and harder the older they get because they can completely anticipate and understand what is going on. Good thing he won’t need anymore shots until he is 11! Owen was so brave and wasn’t too nervous. He got 2 shots in 1 leg and 1 in the other. After the 1st shot, he said, “ouch that hurt”, after the 2nd shot he just let out a tiny squeel, and after the 3rd shot he said, “stop it now”. Haha, cracks me up. He milked it up all day and when he was asked to do something he said, “I can’t, I got shots in my legs.” Kids are hilarious. So proud of my big boy!

After his trip to the doctors we headed home to pick up Mimi and Autumn and then headed for some special play time and lunch at McDonalds.

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Later that evening, since it was Mimi’s last night here, we decided to grill up some Steaks for dinner. While Daddy was grilling the kids got to have some fun out back with their Bubbles.

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Mimi and I showing off our Pedicures we got earlier that day.

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Thank you so much Mimi for setting aside some time for a special visit. We love you so much and had a wonderful time! MISS YOU ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Special play time with Mimi

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Be back soon to try and get caught up with everything going on! See ya!

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