Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 2012 Photo Shoot–Owen, Autumn & Abigail

If you remember from my Mother’s Day post, I mentioned that my Sister and I had a Photo Shoot done of the cousins to use as a Mother’s Day Gift for my Mom. If you don’t recall, to catch you up to date: I made some special matching outfits for Owen, Autumn and Abigail out of a pair of sheets my mom gave me after my Grandmother passed away last may. So for a mother’s day gift to our Mom, my sister and I called on our favorite Photographer and friend Katie Lively from Lively Photography. She does AMAZING work so we were very excited for the shoot. Of course with 3 kids under the age of 4 getting photos can be a bit tricky. Our main goal was to get one good picture with all three kids together and as a last resort plan we were going to use three individual pictures of the kids in their special outfits. Because we had an AWESOME Photographer we got both and then some. There are a lot so please bare with me, and because I am super busy these days, I probably wont do too many captions under the pictures. Okay, here we go…


It was very tough to get all three of them to cooperate and sit still for a picture so this was the ONLY shot of all three cousins together. I LOVE it!!!!!!












This part of the shoot was for Mimi. These are Brandon’s old Cowboy boots from when he was a little boy. We took some pictures of Owen wearing them about 2 years ago so we decided we should do some of Autumn too! Love them!!!!



The BEST picture EVER!!!!!!!!


Towards the end of the session the kids were all starting to get a bit restless so we decided to just let loose and be silly! This is ‘SO’ Abigail’s little personality, the girl LOVES to accessorize!




We were really in no way prepared for a family photo (Brandon’s hair wasn’t even done) but we decided why not try? Came out pretty well in my opinion!



A HUGE THANKS to Kaite from Lively Photography. You are an absolutely AMAZING photographer. Thanks so much for capturing these beautiful memories!!!

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