Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Family Time

The past two days were Brandon’s days off. We didn’t have much on the agenda which was a good thing since I came down with a nasty cold. We pretty much just hung out and had lots of family time.

Movie Night 002

Monday night after a fun trip to the park we all came home and ate some delicious Ice Cream Sundaes with Chocolate Syrup and Sprinkles. The kids loved it! After the Sundaes, we let the kids watch about 45 minutes of Cars 2 before bed. Here they are enjoying their movie in their undies. Lol.

Movie Night 011

Autumn couldn’t hang for the whole movie because she was so tired, so once she went to bed, Owen got some awesome snuggle time with Daddy! So precious!!!! He is not a snuggly kid so this was so nice for Daddy!


On Tuesday we decided to have a nice brunch out with Autumn while Owen was still in school. We went to the Flying Star because Autumn LOVES their Mac N Cheese. It was a nice change only having to manage 1 kid while out at a restaurant instead of 2!


Autumn sure enjoys her one on one time with Mommy & Daddy while Bro is at school. It’s a nice break for all of us, even Owen!


Yesterday Brandon went Golfing with a friend for the afternoon (he so deserved a day of golf), so my parents invited the kids and I over for dinner. We had some delicious Tamales, Beans and Spanish Rice. Yum Yum Yum. Thanks again mom & dad for the amazing dinner. After dinner we went out back to play on the swing set, and then my awesome parents watched the kids for me while I went to the gym. It was a lovely evening. Thanks again for everything Mom & Dad. Love you guys so much!!!


Enjoying a nice popsicle break from playing!


Stinker 1 and Stinker 2!




Practicing his Soccer Skills. We signed the kids up for lots of fun summer activities. Owen will be joining Soccer & Taking Golf Lessons and Autumn is starting gymnastics, and then both kids are signed up for Swim Lessons. Its gonna be one fun fun summer for the Burgess kids!!!


And Owen’s favorite thing to do in Nana & Pampo’s Backyard it to throw the Soccer Ball on the Patio Roof and watch it roll down and catch it. He thinks it is the coolest thing ever!


And to leave you with a nice little laugh. Ever since I let the kids put on the jets in the Bath Tub last week, they constantly want to take a bath. So the other day I was finishing up some dishes after lunch and then I told the kids we could head upstairs so they could play in the bath. They went upstairs while I was finishing up. Once I finished, I headed upstairs to meet them and this is what I found….


Both of them were completely undressed and trying to get in the tub. Poor Autumn couldn’t finish getting her diaper off so it was just hanging there. Hahaha. They were very eager to get in and get those jets on!


Having a blast!


And here is Autumn sporting the new dress I made her yesterday. She wouldn’t hold still so it’s quite blurry, but you get the point.


She LOVES it and looks adorable in it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Autumn's sandals! So cute!!! And the dress you made is adorable! How big is her closet? I adore the bathtub picture! You should enter that in some type of "cute kids contest". What darling grand babies!!!
