Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our Weekend

Here is a recap of our weekend.


Actually a really laid back day for us. Unfortunately laid back to my kids equals boring. I was determined not to leave the house since we had had a really busy week but Owen kept complaining he was bored. So instead of giving in and going somewhere I decided to make some indoor fun. Here is what we did…

Family room Fort 015

We built a Fort. I personally call it a tent but so my husband and I don’t end up in a disagreement we will just call it a fort. Hahaha. Not my best work but I am a little rusty as I haven’t built one in years. I also pulled out the kids play tent and tunnel to add to the fort.

Family room Fort 002

The kids had a blast playing in it and I didn’t hear another complaint of boredom the rest of the day. They played in it for 2 hours non stop! I love when my efforts are appreciated.

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These two are starting to play so well together! Yay, I have waited so long for this. They chase each other around and Owen just LOVES making her laugh. Autumn also loves when Owen tackles her. Gently, I promise I enforce the gently part especially since she is so very tiny!

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Family room Fort 012

Look at how happy she is. I love this little girl so much.

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Family room Fort 005Family room Fort 009

In and Out over and over and over again!


We had an afternoon outing planned with our good friends, the Lucio Family. My very good friend Melissa’s husband works weekends like mine so it is so nice to have her to hang out with on the weekends. We had heard this rumor that on the first Sunday of every month that admission to all the museums were free. So we decided to take the kids to the Children’s Museum. Well after the 30 minute caravan drive down to the museum we found out that rumor was only partially true. Admission to all the state owned museums was free; unfortunately, the Children’s Museum is not state owned. Bummer dude, especially since neither of us were prepared with money to pay. Luckily the Museum of natural history is right across the street and State Owned. So we decided to head over there. How ironic that we wound up there since we were just there on Friday. Melissa and I were a little nervous as this museum is not as “hands on” as the children’s museum and we had a 6, 4,3,1 year old and a 9 month old baby to handle. We figured since we already drove all the way there and it was free the worst thing that could happen is we would have to leave. I am happy to report all 5 kids were on their absolute BEST behavior. Owen loves hanging out with Aiden and Averie and Autumn and Aubryn are become the best of friends. As you can guess I have no pictures inside the museum since our hands were quite full but we managed to get a picture of the kids outside before we left. Even though the day didn’t go exactly as “planned” we had such a wonderful time with our dear friends.

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Oops, I lied. I do have a picture of the babies inside the museum while the older kids were talking a potty break. They are so adorable. They LOVE getting together and playing. Even better they live right down the street and will grow up together.

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Weekend Fun Oct. 2011 007

They wanted to pose next to the triceratops foot. So here they are in all their cuteness.

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And they could not leave T-Rex out.


On Monday afternoon my sister and niece came over for a little play day. So much fun! Autumn and Abigail just love each other. Autumn likes to bring Abi over piles of toys since she isn’t quite mobile yet. She is getting really close though. The girl wants to walk so bad!

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Why is Autumn on the floor under the table? I wish I could tell you.

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The girlies. Isn’t my niece just gorgeous. I love her so much. Nothing better then being an Aunt. Check out Autumn’s face. Haha, she looks so annoyed about something.

That concludes our weekend. Have a good week everyone!

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