Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lot’s of Halloween Fun & Our Special Visitors

4 Day’s since my last blog post and I have so much to catch up on I feel like it has been weeks. Crazy, I know. Goes to show you how busy we have been. I’ll try not to write so much since I have so many pics, but I’m not making any promises because I know myself. Okay here we go…


Didn’t do much other than some major deep house cleaning since we were having guests come into town on Friday, but it was a big day for Owen at school. Why? Well, it was Pajama Day!!!! Owen has been looking forward to pajama day for a couple months now. They had a fall celebration at school instead of Halloween. They all got to wear their pj’s to school and got to watch a movie and had popcorn as a snack. Owen had a blast. Here is a picture of him all ready for school.

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I took Owen to the store a couple weeks ago to pick out a new special pair of jammies to wear to school on Pajama day. After a huge decision between Dinosaur Jammies, Monster Jammies and Football Jammies, he finally decided on the Monsters. He just thought it was so funny to wear his pj’s to school.


Friday morning we were just relaxing and keeping things low key since we knew we were going to have a busy weekend. Since we rarely ever go out for breakfast we decided it would be fun to go to the brand new Ihop that just opened up right down the street. What a perfect day to go, it just so happened to be free scary face pancake day for kids under 12. Owen and Autumn were so excited to get a pancake with a  scary face of Whipped Cream, Oreos and Candy Corn. Sugar overload in the morning let me tell you!


I know the pancake’s face doesn’t really look the best, but in their defense the pancake was super warm still so the whipped cream was melting. Anyway, it was free so who really cares. Owen loved it!


And this little busy 1 year old still has no interest in sitting still in a high chair for any length of time. She did however discover a LOVE for coloring while we were waiting for our food. She would not put the crayons down. she was scribbling all over her menu. What a Cutie pie!


Friday afternoon our special visitors finally arrived. Papa Bruce and Great-Nana Burgess! Hooray!!!!!! Owen was dying with anticipation for their arrival and had them playing with him in no time flat. This was Autumn’s first time meeting her Great-Nana so it was so sweet to finally introduce the two to one another. We had such a wonderful time with them. After lots of playing and a nice dinner together, Owen, Nana, and Daddy cooked up some delicious pumpkin seeds. I tried to make them a couple years ago and failed miserably (they weren’t even edible). Brandon made some last year that were so delicious so it has become his new tradition to do with Owen. Even better that Nana got to be involved this time.

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So sweet watching these two cook together. Almost brings tears to my eyes. Nana is 88 and an absolutely amazing women. She has experienced so many neat things in her life I just love hearing her stories. I can only hope that I am as active and outgoing as she is at this age.

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Hanging out with Papa Bruce while the seeds were cookin’!

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Final Product. A-Mazing!!!!! Brandon is officially the pumpkin seed maker in this household!


Saturday at Daddy’s work they were having a little Halloween Trick-Or-Treating function in their model homes. We decided it would be fun to dress the kiddos up in their costumes and take them trick-or-treating with our out of town guests. It was also nice to take Nana to see where Brandon works. We also invited our Bff’s to come along and my parents since they had my niece for the day. Boy o boy did we have fun. I debated really bad weather to put up picks of the kids in their costumes before actual Halloween Day. So what did I decide? Who cares, Halloween is tomorrow so it’s not going to spoil much. Here you go…

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I decided to hand make each of their costumes this year. I found both the costume ideas on Pinterest. Here is my little Dinosaur and my little Peacock. Some people thought Owen was a dragon so he was kind of upset. He says he is a stegosaurus. Whatever he is, he is adorable.

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And here is Owen’s Best Friend, Olivia the Kitty Cat on the left and my Niece the Puppy Dog on the right. Aren’t they absolutely adorable?

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Off to Trick-or Treat. Owen and Olivia were pros from last year. They remembered exactly what to do!

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1 house down and they were already reaching in their bags for candy! Autumn just kind of followed the older ones around.

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Nana, Autumn, Abigail and Pampo. So sweet!

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Hand Painting. He didn’t want his face painted so he let them do his hand.

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Owen got a dinosaur and Olivia got a cat. Hmmm…wonder where they got those ideas from? lol.

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Owen couldn’t wait to run and show Nana & Papa Bruce his hand painting!

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Group Picture!

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Here is sweet Olivia feeding Autumn her candy! So cute!

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They had a big jumper with a slide. Owen tried to play on it but there were so many older kids on it so he got trampled pretty quickly. He was so sad. The girls had fun bouncing on the edge of it though. Hahaha. It was also super super hot out so Owen and Abi ended up having to take off their costumes. What is the deal with the hot weather? It is almost November!!!!

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When we were all done trick-or-treating we took the kids back to the sales office where daddy works to let them cool off and eat some of their candy.

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What a happy little peacock. Must have been all the sugar she got to eat!

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Owen was so excited when Mrs. Kaitlyn told him there was some chocolate in the center of his tootsie pop. He was so determined to get to the middle. Haha. His face looks silly because he wiped his eye brow with his hand that was painted so he kind of looks like he has make up on. Lol.

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Too much candy makes these two crazy silly!

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Walking through the spooky graveyard! What a fun fun fun time they had!

That night after Brandon got home from work and we ate dinner, it was pumpkin carving time. We wanted Papa Bruce and Nana to be a part of it so we decided to do it a little early this year. We started with Owen’s pumpkin. At first he said he wanted his pumpkin to have a surprised face and then changed his mind to a silly face pumpkin. Daddy drew him two pictures to choose from but he didn’t like either of them, so he drew his own picture of what he wanted….

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Here is what daddy drew for him….

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Here is what Owen drew. Hahaha. It’s kind of hard to see. He told daddy it wasn’t his best drawing so he told him he wanted two Oval Eyes, a Square Nose and A big Crescent Smile. He is so specific.

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Carving away!

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Owen’s focus was more on eating the delicious pumpkin seeds him and daddy made.

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Owen’s final masterpiece. He LOVED it and said it was exactly what he wanted!

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We decided to get Papa Bruce in on the action since it has been years since he has carved a pumpkin!

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Hard at work. Daddy is working on Autumn’s Pumpkin now.

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Autumn was busy playing with crayons. She is so into coloring and is actually quite good at it!

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Autumn’s Pumpkin. So Cute I know. I would love to take the credit for the adorable idea, but I found it on Pinterest. Big surprise I know! And here is Papa Bruce with what he called his Grumpy Old Man Pumpkin inspired after himself. Hahaha.

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Autumn’s little pumpkin Hands. So cute and o so tiny!!!

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And then Brandon and I did the biggest pumpkin together with a ghost stencil.

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The Final Four. I LOVE them!!!!

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Owen had to carry over each pumpkin one by one to go show Nana Burgess.

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And then he wanted to play with his pumpkin. It was so sweet to watch. He was talking to his pumpkin like it was his best friend.

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Owen and his new Best Friend “Crowley”. I have no clue where he came up with this name, but this is what he calls him. Lol.


Sunday morning we woke up bright and early and headed off to church. After church it was time to say goodbye. Papa Bruce and Great Nana Burgess were heading back to Colorado. Nana has a flight to catch back to Walla Walla, Washington tomorrow morning from Denver. We are so glad they got to make it down for a visit as I know Nana was dying to see the kiddos. The feeling was completely mutual on our end too! So sad the visit has already came and gone, but we will cherish the pictures and memories we have from the very fun weekend! Come back and visit soon!!!!

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Great Nana Burgess, Papa Bruce, Autumn and Owen

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