Monday, February 14, 2011

Sick Owen

On Friday afternoon, after nap time, Owen woke up with a low fever, about 100.6. Saturday it was really bad, it got up to 104.8 and his nose was super stuffy. So Sunday morning it was back in the 104 range and he was feeling terrible so we decided to take him to the doc. My BFF Kaitlyn was a doll and came to get Autumn so I could have some one on one time with little Owen and so I could take him to the doctor without having to drag Autumn along. Autumn had a blast with the Altman family and loved watching Olivia run around and dance. Thanks again Altman fam for looking after my precious little girl for me, you are such a blessing to me and my family. Anyway, poor Owen basically has a nasty nasty virus. They think it is the same virus that can cause croup so we are carefully evaluating his cough to make sure it doesn’t get barky. So far it is just a really dry cough and he is super congested. His poor throat is on fire since he can’t breath out of his nose and because of all the drainage he is having. He is so miserable and definitely not himself. I consider him to be a “high” energy kind of kid and all he wants to do is lay around and watch movies. This is super concerning since we can usually never get the kid to sit still. He even fell asleep while playing games on the iPad this morning as I was getting ready for the day. He has no appetite and makes a funny face every time he swallows. Needless to say we are on Pj day #3 and we are all simply pooped. Please pray for health in the the Burgess household. I really hope Autumn doesn’t get it next, so far so good with her. Here are some pictures of the past 3 days. Sick Owen Feb. 2011 028

Survival kit for the week. Cherry 7 Up, Lots of Gatorade, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Nutri-Grain Bars and Chicken Noodle Soup.

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I have got more snuggle time with Owen in the past three days than I have got in the past 6 months. He is constantly coming up to me saying, “Mommy, I wanna hold you.” I am loving all the snuggle time but I hate the circumstances they are under.

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And here is little Autumn napping on the other end of the couch. I don’t know why, but the girl loves to cover her face with the blanket. So is too funny.

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Here is Owen all ready to go to the Doctors. Look at that poor face, he was trying so hard to smile for the camera. Sick Owen Feb. 2011 008

Daddy reading him a story before bedtime.

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Autumn hanging out playing. She loves to play with her big brothers trucks.

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Owen has no appetite so I decided to give him just some toast for breakfast this morning. I made them in the shape of a heart since its Valentines Day today.

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Look how out of it he looks. It got so bad he can barely walk strait when he has to get up to go to the bathroom. His fever has been so high that he is just energy less. It breaks my heart seeing him like this.

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And here he is passed out while playing a game on the iPad this morning. This is a first ever. When I went to wake him up he told me, “Mommy I just need to sleep some more.” So sad since he had only been up maybe an hour and a half. Poor kid is sick!!

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