Monday, February 7, 2011

Heart Shaped Cookies & The Superbowl

Okay, I know this may be getting old but Owen LOVES to cook. He is kind of over his play kitchen at the moment and has moved on to the real deal. His new favorite question is, "Mommy do we need to cook dinner now?" Cracks me up. Anyway, we have an amazing kids program at our church every week and this week was definitely right up his alley. Every month they chose a new simple topic for the kids to learn and tell Bible stories each week that go along with the underlying message. This month they are learning God Loves You Unconditionally. This week they learned the story about Paul and Silas from Acts 16:16-34 and were sent home with these adorable Heart Shaped Cookie cutters with a recipe card for Homemade Sugar Cookies. Owen was so excited about this and talked about how him and mommy were gonna bake cookies all the way home from church. I was super busy that day trying to get ready for the company we were having over for the Superbowl, but seriously how could I tell him no? We got home and Owen and I sat down and read the story of Paul and Silas and proceeded to make some sugar cookies in the shape of a heart to remind us that God Loves Us. Here are some pics.
Owen with his Cookie Cutter and Recipe Card
Our Church is so awesome, they sent every single kid home with these cards and cutters. They really try and focus on sending home aids for parents to retell the Bible story throughout the week. I really try and do them with Owen each week. Mission accomplished this week, every time he sees a heart he says, "Mommy God loves me!" Melts my heart. Baking away!
He is always so serious when he cooks. He kept telling me, "Mommy, I think we need 1 more teaspoon please." Lol.Patting out the cookie dough.Cutting out the hearts.
Freshly baked.
Final Masterpiece.

For the Superbowl we invited over a couple Brandon just sold a house to. They just moved here from Southern California and have an adorable little boy named Aiden who is a day older than Autumn. I took pictures before they got to our house but then forgot to pull out the camera all night. O well. Here are some pics of us all dressed in our Broncos gear. I know they were no where close to making it to the Superbowl this year but we still had to represent the Orange and Blue!
Autumn and Mommy!Owen and Daddy!
Autumn and Daddy!
Kisses from Mommy!Yummy snacks to accompany our delicious Costco Pizza!
Go Packers!

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