Tuesday, February 8, 2011

McDonald's Play Area

What to do on a cold morning with severe cabin fever and no money to spend? Answer, McDonald's Play Area. I used to be a complete germaphobe and didn't want my kids anywhere near these kind of places, but with lots of hand sanitizer I can overcome my phobia and let my kids have a little fun. Owen has a blast, burns off tons of energy and Autumn loves the change of scenery. Can you guess how we spent our morning?
Autumn had so much fun watching her big bro run around and play with this sweet little girl he met there that he was playing with. They were playing tag and would stop by to talk to Autumn every once in awhile and she was eating up all the attention. I finally got Owen to stop running around so I could snap a quick picture of him. I love this boy even though he has an endless amount of energy!

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