Monday, January 3, 2011

Pictures from Christmas Week...

Here are a few pictures from the week of Christmas I have been meaning to post...

Mimi and the Kids
Miss Autumn playing on the floor
Cousins! Its so crazy how similar they are in size but they are actually 4 1/2 months apart in age.
Brandon meeting his niece for the first time!
Mimi & Autumn
More Mimi and Autumn, she wasn't a proud Mimi at all.
See what I mean. My kids adore her and miss her so much! Come back MIMI!!!!!!
The day after Christmas was my Aunts 70th Birthday celebration at my cousins house. They had the most delicious food ever and there were tons of cousins for Owen to play with. It was a bit crazy how many kids, 6 years and under, were there but somehow we managed no injuries or major meltdowns. Above is my Auntie and her Granddaughter Alicia opening her gifts.
Here is Owen wrestling with his cousins in the backyard. They had a blast.
Owen getting tackled.Playing Chase.
Owen (2 years 7 months), Alicia (2 years 8 months), Delana (3 years 4 months), & Alejandro (6 years). I tried to have them all stop running around so I could get a picture and this is what they gave me. They are so wild.
Here is Auntie Kiki, Cousin Abigail, Nana, and Owen at the party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful posting, Vanessa! I love looking at all the pictures!