Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas day was so much fun and also so exhausting. My parents came over at 7:ooam Christmas morning so they could watch Owen come downstairs and experience Santa coming. It was so fun to see the excitement in his face when he saw his stocking filled, an empty cookie plate, and his Kitchen that he asked Santa for. He was on overload from the second he woke up until the second he went to bed that day, as was Autumn. After hours of everyone opening presents, my Mother-In-Law and I cooked breakfast, Quiche, Monkey Bread & Fruit, boy was it delicious. Once we wrapped up breakfast my parents went home to relax for a bit and we all got dressed and ready for the rest of the day. We all pitched in and made an amazing Christmas dinner which my Sister, Brother-In-Law and niece were able to join us for. My dad made Cranberry Pork Tenderloin, my Mother-In-Law made sweet potato casserole and I made lemon & almond green beans and cranberry salad. I was so stuffed but it was well worth being uncomfortable. After dinner we had round 2 of presents since my sisters family wasn't here in the morning, they do have a 2 week old after all. Christmas 2010 was so great! Thank you everyone for all the generous gifts, our kids are blessed beyond belief. And a huge thanks to God for the most important gift we could ever ask for, HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. Merry Christmas everyone!
Santa's leftoversHere is what Owen came downstairs to.

Way, way, way too many presents!

Autumn first thing in the morning. Too bad she had no clue what was going on, and why in the world so many people were downstairs so early in the morning.
Owen took no time to start playing with his new kitchen Santa left him. Autumn checking out her stocking.
Santa was even nice to Brandon and left him some stocking goodies.
Autumn's 1st Christmas was a success! She got lost in her tower of presents. And yes these are all her gifts! Seriously does a 5 month old really need that much?
Autumn's new princess bib.
Autumn checking out her first tea pot set!
Owen and NanaAutumn in her new hat her Great Nana Burgess knit for her!
Me and my Dad cooking dinner.
Round 2 of presents. Owen was fascinated with my dad's new fishing pole. Mother & Daughter
The very exhausted Bollinger Family.
Owens favorite Christmas gift of all, His Alphie Robot. He plays with this non-stop! Thanks Auntie Kiki & Uncle Chris.Autumn's favorite gift, the keys from her first purse! She chews on these all day. Another big thanks to Auntie Kiki & Uncle Chris.The girls hanging out. Its hard to believe these two are only 4 1/2 months apart. Poor little Autumn got Mommy's height. Sorry baby girl.

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