Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chocolate Days Til Christmas

We thought about doing an advent calendar with Owen to count downt the days until Christmas, but we decided to carry on the tradition my sister started with Owen last year. Owens Auntie Kiki bought him a 24 Chocolate Days Unitl Christmas calendar, which she did for him last year as well, for him to enjoy each morning. It basically gives me aniexy every day knowing that Christmas is one day closer but Owen enjoys it so whatever. Everymorning he shoots up out of bed, runs downstairs and says, "Mama I need my chocolate number", yes as if he really NEEDS chocolate this early in the morning! Here he is trying to find the correct number to open since the numbers are all out of order.
Like his face. He gets so excited each morning as if he had no clue there was gonna be a piece of chocolate in there. Got it!

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