Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brother & Sister

As Autumn continues to grow she is becoming more and more fond of her Big Brother and in return Owen is really having fun with her. Autumn's little face lights up the second Owen enters the room. Yes, as a mother this seriously melts my heart. Owen has started noticing how much Autumn looks up to him and he has been eating it up. He will do anything to see her smile or giggle at him. He loves singing to her, tickling her, and dancing for her. He has also become the best little helper. He likes to help me bathe her, feed her and yes even change her diaper. I am really enjoying watching these two grow and I am loving seeing the two of them bond. Here are some fun pic of them but not the best quality because they are all from my phone. Enjoy.
Snuggling for a picture.
Here is Owen feeding her a bottle. I didn't ask him to do this either. I walked into the living room to see Owen holding her bottle feeding her. This could seriously be a good thing!
I decided Autumn was ready for the big bath tub instead of her baby tub so I thought why not get two baths done at once? Save water & time! It actually worked out great and Owen loved having someone to play with.
I put this picture from lunch time the other day mainly because this is what Autumn is always doing, starring at Owen with so much admiration in her eyes. I know it will not always be like this so I am trying to enjoy every second that it lasts.

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