Friday, December 17, 2010

We FINALLY Got Snow!!!!!!

About a week away from Christmas and we FINALLY got some snow. I really didn't see it coming since it was about 63 on Tuesday. Brandon and I absolutely love the snow and what better way to welcome the Holiday Season. Since we are having our Annual Christmas Party tonight we decided we better get to shoveling the drive way so everyone has a nice place to park tonight. Brandon and Owen went out to start shoveling while I finished feeding Autumn some breakfast. Once she woke up we headed out to join the boys. Enjoy the pics.

Daddy & Owen doing some manual labor. Owen loved "scooping the snow" as he called it.
Here is Autumn all nice and warm watching the boys.
Owen quickly learned that he loves the taste of snow. He would not stop picking up handfuls and eating it. Yucky.

He also loved stomping around in it. I love these boys.

Me and the kids, and yes I am still in my pj's.After Owen had enough "scooping the snow" with Daddy we walked down to our good friends house to help them build a snow man. Here is Owen with his friends Adien & Averie in front of the snowman. Owen called him "Frosty".
Owen loves Aiden, basically cause he is a boy and older than him. He kept cracking up at every little thing he did. So funny. They had a blast.

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