Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Auntie Megan & Uncle Dan's Visit

I am very behind on blogging so please forgive me. At the beginning of the month Brandon's Sister Megan and her husband Dan came for a visit for about 5 days. We haven't seen them since our Disney Trip to California back in May so it was so fun to catch up with them and introduce them to little Miss Autumn. Owen took no time warming up to them and had them playing in his play room in the first 5 minutes they came in the door. While they were here we took a trip up to the Sandia Peak Tram and had lunch up at the top of the mountain, Owen had a special outing with his Aunt & Uncle to the Albuquerque Children's Museum, and we all attempted to make a ginger bread house. It was so fun having them here and cannot wait until we can get together with them again soon. Here are some pics from their time here.
Here is Megan & Dan ridding the tram to the top of the mountain.
Owen & I on the tram.

Owen was quite fascinated. He called the tram an "Air Bus" so funny. He loved looking out and seeing the beautiful scenery and wasn't even a tiny bit scared about being so far off the ground. Daddy & Autumn. I think she enjoyed the ride as well. Once we got to the top we had to bundle up because it was really cold and windy outside.
Megan & Dan enjoying some lunch at the High Finance Restaurant at the tippy top of the mountain. Owen is very much 2 years old and has a really hard time sitting still at a restaurant long enough to order & eat, so thanks to the wonderful invention of the iPad, we were able to enjoy a nice quiet relaxing lunch. Here is Owen watching a movie while eating french fries and chips and drinking some delicious pineapple juice. He really enjoyed himself.
Here is Brandon and Owen waiting for the tram to take us back down after lunch.

Here is Owen and Uncle Dan one morning checking some e-mails on their cell phones.Once he finished catching up on his e-mails with Uncle Dan, Owen had to go do some work on his lap top with his Auntie Megan. Lol.

While Owen was off working with his Aunt & Uncle, Brandon and Autumn were cheering on the Broncos (who by the way need a ton of cheering for right now)! Aren't they adorable? Here is the start to the Gingerbread House we attempted to make. Owen and I started it while the rest stood back to watch. We got off to a pretty good start and Owen was so excited!
Here he is decorating the house with the candy he didn't already eat.
Well, of course, I didn't fully read the directions that clearly said...once you put the house together you need to WAIT 15 minutes before decorating. Needless to say since the house wasn't dry prior to decorating it the roof got too heavy and started to slide off. It was a mess and a big disaster so Owen and I got frustrated and gave up.
Thanks to one determined Uncle he took it apart and attempted to fix it.He was determined to make this house work so he tied some twine around it to help hold it together until it dried. LOL Here is Dan & Megan with their Gingerbread Twined house trying to make the disaster I started look pretty.
In the end it all worked out thanks to Uncle Dan who saved the day. Here is the final product. I think it came out rather well in the end!

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