Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Year & A New Outlook

We have started into the face of another year. I feels so much pressure this time of year. Here we are again, a chance to start over, try again, hope to get it right this time. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get it right this time.

On the one hand, I love the idea of a new beginning. On the other hand, I dread the thought of failing once again. Failing to meet the goals, cross the finish line, follow through. There are so many words spinning around in my brain-- my relationship with Christ, budget, exercise, homemaking and of course parenting and the list goes on and on and on and on. You get the picture. So excuse me while I ramble all over this computer screen, but in these first few days of 2011, my mind is speeding along trying to figure out a way to failure-proof 2011, and..."it ain't happening." So as I focus & struggle to come up with a plan I keep going back to the most familiar verse in the Bible, "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13. Wow, what an amazing, hopeful and very true verse! So instead of making a list of resolutions that I will probably give up on by time February rolls around I am going to take this year a month at a time, who knows maybe even one day at a time. I will focus on my Faith and try and find strength everyday through this one particular verse. God doesn't want us me to fail and He gives me strength each and every day to push forward and prevail in whatever I do. So to turn my negative thinking into a positive I am going to make small achievable goals here and there for me to complete.

Goal #1 for this month is to finish up potty training Owen. Back in October I started the journey of Potty Training and my goal was for Owen to be Potty trained by the Holidays. October went awesome, a little too awesome in my opinion. He took really well to it and did great for the whole month. November came and I really have no clue what happened? He randomly started having tons of accidents and just kept asking me to put a diaper on him. With all the busyness that November and December brought I simply gave up, gave in and allowed him to naturally regress. So here we are a start of a new month, a new year for that matter, and we are starting over. I decided the other day to just pull out the underwear, forget the kid potty and...well...just see what happens. Day 1, not so good. I think we went through 6 outfits and lots of frustration. Day 2, 3 outfits. Day 3, perfect! Yay! He is doing great and he is now in underwear full time, minus naps and bedtime. I am so proud of him. He has even been going in public places which is a huge deal since most kids are a little intimidated with pubic restrooms. I am so glad to say that 8 days in and my goal is almost complete, just now trying to figure out how to teach him not to wet the bed.

Here is the big boy cooking me up something delicious in his new boxer briefs. He likes these underwear way better than the regular briefs we tried last time. I love this boy!

And here he is being silly stomping around the house in my Uggs. He cracks me up more than anyone else in the world.

Goal #2 for the month is to get Autumn on a nice regular schedule. I am trying to carve out my day so Owen, Autumn and I kind of know what to expect. Now that she is eating baby food regularly, it requires more of my time and I need to feed her on a kind of normal schedule. Kind of like we do, you know-Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner. It doesn't have to be exact, but at least I won't forget or wait until she is too tired to even focus or want to eat. I am just about there. She is now taking two regular and consistent naps and is eating baby food twice a day. Her schedule still needs a little tweeking but we are well on our way. Brandon loves when I put her tiny little bit of hair in pig tails. Here she is once I took them out for the night. Lol, she looks so spunky!

Did I mention she is rolling over now? Here is before....

and here is after. Such a big girl! Uh oh, does this mean crawling is next?

Last night we had my sister and my niece over for dinner since her husband is out of town for the weekend. I made Chicken Broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo with some delicious garlic bread. We had a really nice time hanging out and all the kiddos had fun playing. Here are some pics from the evening.

Owen and Auntie Kiki were playing with his baseball,

while Autumn was bouncing,

and being adorable,while Abby was laying back chillin'. She is so adorable and such a little sweetie. I can't tell you how proud I am to be her Auntie!And of course Brandon and I had to love on her. She started to get a little fussy so I took it upon myself to walk around with her and the little angel curled up on me and fell asleep. It made my night. Love you Abigail!

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