Monday, January 24, 2011

Autumn's 6 Months Old

Tears are streaming down my face as I try and write this post, my baby girl turned 1/2 a year this past weekend! Wow, time flies. It feels like yesterday we were bringing this sweet little girl home from the hospital. Autumn has brought so much joy to our family and we continue to thank God for trusting her into our care each and every day. Autumn had her 6 month well baby check-up this past Thursday. She got 4 shots and was pretty crabby to say the least. Here are her 6 month measurements:
Weight: 12 lbs. 9 oz. Percentile: Below 5%
Head: 41 cm. Percentile: 5%
Height: 24" Percentile: 5%
Just for comparison here are Owen's measurements from when he was 6 months old:
Weight: 17 lbs. 11 oz. Percentile: 60%
Head: 43.2cm Percentile: Below 30%
Height: 29" Percentile: 30%
See what I mean? The doctors are not concerned what so ever and said she is a very happy & healthy baby, she is just small. She has doubled her birth weight and has continued to make an uphill climb on the growth charts. So most likely Owen is going to be tall like Daddy and Autumn is gonna be a petite little thing just like Mommy, sorry baby girl. Happy Half Birthday Autumn! At 6 months old, here are a few of Autumn's favorite things to do:
She has become very fond of her walker. She will hang out in here and play/eat her toys while Mommy is busy in the kitchen.
She LOVES rolling over onto her belly.
And her favorite person in the whole wide world is her big brother. They are always right by each other sides and Owen keeps begging for Autumn to play with him.

Owen is also very fond of his little sis. He loves pushing her around in her walker and now his shopping cart. Lol.


Anonymous said...

What can I say? My grandkids are ADORABLE!!! Thank you God for blessing me with grandchildren!!!

Mark and Lindsey said...

I wanted to cry when I read your post because, as Caleb approaches one year, I'm feeling the same way you are! They grow up too fast. It seems like we were just praying for a safe delivery and now Autumn is six months old! She is precious :)