Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Owen & Finnley

Yesterday I had the privilege of watching one of my good friend, Leanne's, daughter Finnley. She is about 10 months younger than Owen but they had a great time playing together. Here are some pictures from their time together.Here is Owen giving her a ride on his Fire Truck. He did very good sharing all his toys with her. He made me very proud. Here are the two cookin up something delicious together.
They were even talking to each other on their cell phones.
Autumn had a blast watching the two of them. Owen even brought her over his new globe ball to play with since she is too small to play with them. He is so sweet to his baby sister!
Here are the crazy duo eating their delicious lunch; PB & J, Carrots, Grapes and Cheese Puffs. It was quite funny because Finnley wanted more grapes so she started trading Owen her cheese puffs for his grapes. I guess your never to young to trade food. Lol.

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