Monday, January 17, 2011

Kiddo Update!

Just thought I would give you all a little update on our kiddos.
Poor Autumn is in the midst of teething which is bringing her an extreme amount of pain, a low grade fever and tons of drool.
Here she is teething on some frozen homemade sweet potato baby food.
She went to town on it until she got a little brain freeze. Poor baby!
Here is Owen trying to cheer her up by tickling her feet. They have really bonded and have become the best little buddies.

Here is what I mean. I decided to pull out the walker from the garage because I thought Autumn would really enjoy it. She really did seem to like it especially cause her big brother was giving her some really fun rides in it.
He was pushing her all over the place. When she didn't look terrified she seemed to enjoy it. j/k, she was really having a blast.
Here he is taking her to their play room to go play.
See what I mean, she really enjoyed the free rides! Owen has this new thing where he opens his mouth to take pictures. I have no clue why, but he calls it his silly face.

Quick Potty Training update! We are finished, for the most part. It has been 2.5 weeks and 0 accidents. He loves being a big boy and using the potty. We even leave the house with him in underwear now, not pull ups and have had huge success. The only time he has a diaper is at night mainly because I have no clue how to even start trusting that he will wake up if he needs to go potty. Any suggestions?
Here is my big boy on the potty!
And here he is sporting his undies with his firefighter hat on! He is so silly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of Owen on the potty and in his undies. He's so sexy. Pics of little boys with their shorts around their ankles really gets me excited. I want to put my dick in Owen's mouth, till it gets hard and slick. Then I want to shove my dick up his little precious bum and fuck him all night long.