Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Girl!

Brandon's days off usually consist of us running tons of errands/grocery shopping for the week. So this past Friday we desperately needed to make a trip to Costco. When we got there we put Owen in the shopping cart and since we didn't need too much I decided to hold Autumn instead of putting her in my front pack which I normally do. Well, as we were walking around I decided why not put her in the cart with Owen since there are two seats. To say she enjoyed herself would be a major understatement! What in the world happened to my baby girl? She is growing up so fast.
See what I mean, she was having a blast!
At one point, Owen reached and put his arm around her and looked up at me and said, "it's okay mommy, I'll take care of her." Yes tear drops rolled down my face when he said that. He has become such a sweet compassionate little boy and is always concerned about his baby sister.
Just wanted to post this picture because she is so stinkin adorable and boy does she love to eat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the play date went well! They all look like great buddies! Autumn looks so tiny compared to Owen, but he is such a sweet protector!
